Saturday, July 11, 2009
Summer Kid’s Club
Another Summer Kid’s Club has come and gone. It was a great week. We averaged between 50 and 70 kids everyday. In fact, I think it was the most kids that have ever come out. I think that it was a real success. Once again, the highlight, at least for me, was seeing 20 people give their lives to Christ. We are making plans on how we can be purposeful and relevant in doing follow-up discipleship with them.
I saw a few children that I hadn’t seen since our team of 12 came out from Whipple in 2007. One of those guys is Krzyszyk. He is so full of energy, and it was great to see him. He is one of the youth who gave their lives to Christ earlier in the week. On the last day of Kid’s Club, I gave he and one of his friends one of my CDs each. Another girl I haven’t seen in two years showed up on the last day. Her name is Angelica. I barely recognized her at first as she looks so much older. Then I saw her hearing aids and put two and two together. She remembered me and the rest of our team from 2007. It has been so good building relationships with these youth over the past couple of years here in Poland. Heaven only knows the eternal impact that has been made in doing so. It was bittersweet for us, as we knew we may not ever see these kids again on this side of eternity. Thank you, Lord, for the time we have had to make these friendships.
Christian Young
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