Tuesday, July 21, 2015

INDIA 2015 - Formative Plans for an Initial Trip to the Unreached

India is home to 1,948 of the world's 6,564 unreached people groups. The map above is a screen shot of Joshua Project's interactive people groups map. Every little red dot represents an unreached people group. An unreached or least-reached people is a people group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize this people group. In most cases, one can travel from village to village in India and probably not find one person who has ever heard the name of Jesus.
The unreached people groups of India have weighed heavily on my heart for many years now. I have been dreaming about and making plans to travel to India in hopes to partner with indigenous Jesus-followers there in reaching these precious people with the gospel of Christ. These plans are still formative, but it is likely that I will make an initial trip to India later this year, and then another trip next summer with teams to canvas the entire nation with God's word, love and glory. I have already raised enough financial support to cover my flights to India and back, but will need to raise an additional $2,000 to cover expenses on the ground.

The Envoy S - one of MegaVoice’s most innovative and intuitive solar digital audio players yet. Cost effective and smaller than an iPhone, the 2.4 ounce Envoy S is lightweight and also the most powerful teaching and training tool available. The intuitive raised-button keypad with four levels of navigation makes searching hundreds of hours of audio Bible content easy and accessible - even for the elderly or blind.
The Envoy S holds up to 500 hours of tamperproof audio content including: audio Bibles, New Testaments, sermons, discipleship training, music, educational and humanitarian messages, and more. The optional Solar Case Speaker is recommended for larger groups listening to the audio Bible.

Many of India's unreached people groups come from lower castes where they are unable to read and write. My plan is to purchase Megavoice's solar digital audio players in bulk, pre-loaded with the Bible in the languages of these indigenous unreached people groups, and then to distribute them from village to village as Papa God highlights men and women of peace and of influence across India. From experience we have seen the word of God alone transform the lives of unreached people groups as they listen to the Scriptures and as others gather to listen as well. Each Megavoice Envoy S solar digital audio players will cost approximately $30 each.
On my initial trip to India I will focus on one region, and then return with teams to canvas the entire nation. We will plan to partner with the few indigenous Christ-followers, pastors and churches in each region who will accompany us to each village, translate for us, and then return to follow up with those who we are able to reach. Each team will be free to minister holistically as they feel led to do so.

In these last days we know that every nation, tribe, tongue and people must be able to hear and respond to the gospel of Christ's love before Jesus will return. I fully believe that by reaching the remaining unreached people groups of this world, we are literally ushering in the return of Christ. We want every people group worldwide to have the opportunity to experience both the eternal life and the abundant life provided through a personal faith in Jesus Christ who died to provide the "whosoever" with the same freedom from sin, guilt and shame that we have experienced in our lives.

Each Christ-follower has an obligation to the Great Commission given by Jesus to make disciples of all nations. Some are called to go. Some are called to give. Some are called to pray. But all are called to engage in reaching the nations with the gospel of Christ's love. I want to thank all of our faithful financial and prayer partners who have partnered with us to see a great end times harvest of souls brought into the Kingdom of God as we have traveled worldwide as missionaries. We would like to invite all who read this update to prayerfully consider partnering with us as well. We would love to see our team of financial and prayer partners grow as we take on a seemingly overwhelming task of seeing every people group reached with the gospel in our lifetime. If you feel led to partner with us financially, please utilize the PayPal button in the upper right-hand corner of this mission's blog.

If you feel led to join our team of prayer warriors, please email me at endtimesharvest@hotmail.com and I will give you specific prayer points that you can bring before the Lord as we carry the love and glory of God into the darkest, most dangerous places on planet earth.

Much love and many blessings,
Christian Young

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

MICRONESIA 2015 - Bibles for Every Home for Christ Workers and Students

A huge "Thank you" to all of our financial supporters! We were able to send 50 Bibles to a group of on-fire Jesus-lovers in Pohnpei who are turning the world upside down in Micronesia and beyond. We were blessed to be able to invest into these world changes for a few years while living in the Federated States of Micronesia and continue to be able to do so from afar.
Here is a note from them after the Bibles arrived: Workers and Students with their bibles... Thank God..It is an Answer of prayer... Thank you Christian Young