Friday, April 30, 2010

MOZAMBIQUE 2010 - Justine's 8th Birthday

Lichinga, Mozambique
Friday, April 30, 2010
Justine’s 8th Birthday
We celebrated our daughter Justine’s 8th birthday here in Mozambique. I think it was a fun birthday for her because she had a cool cake with candles. We have been saving for bikes for the girls, too, so on her actual birthday, Justine got a bike for her birthday, and Jordan also got a bike as sort of a late birthday present. They love their bikes and ride them around our yard. Fun stuff!
Christian Young

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

MOZMABIQUE 2010 - Invitations to Attend the Bible School

Chigonele, Mozambique
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Invitations to Attend the Bible School
We are SO SUPER EXCITED! On May 3rd we are officially opening our Bible School here at the IRIS base in Lichinga! This has been a long time dream for the missionaries here. Part of the reason that this dream has become a reality is the call of God on Kevin and Katherine Bubna’s life. They are friends of ours who had been in Lichinga a couple of years ago with IRIS and have just recently returned as full-time missionaries. God’s call on Kevin’s life is to really head up the Bible School, working in conjunction with Peter, Jesse and I.
Since Kevin and Katherine have arrived, we have been meeting and planning to open the Bible School. We are actually going to have four semesters this year that are each six weeks long. The first semester will be “Bible Basics” for the first class and the Gospel of Mark for the second class. Classes will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:00am – 12:00pm. We made invitations on our computer for this first semester and began traveling to the villages to hand them out.

Jesse and Condeila rode “Acceleration,” I rode “Impartation,” and Dominic rode, “Multiplication-Provision,” or “Multi-Pro” for short, which is the new quad that the Lord blessed our team with. We traveled to the villages of Kazigwa, Chigonele and Luica handing out invitations to many who we have been discipling for a while. We will travel to Asumani, Micoco and Lussenhando later this week. We are so excited in that we are inviting over 30 Mozambicans, almost all Yao, from 10 different villages.
The opening of the Bible School called, “Great Harvest School of Ministry,” is really key in reaching the entire Niassa province with the gospel because Jesus didn’t commission us to simply go, evangelize and MAKE NEW CONVERTS. He commissioned us to go and make DISCIPLES, teaching them to observe all things Jesus commanded. Those entering the Bible School are people who have given their lives to Christ under our ministry and who God has highlighted as future church planters and leaders. As we are entering a season of widespread evangelism, we need to be able to bring those people that God highlights to us back to be trained, and then send them back out to start fellowships in their respective villages and beyond. The opening of the Bible School is a historic event in the lives of the Yao people here in the Niassa province.
Christian Young

Sunday, April 25, 2010

MOZAMBIQUE 2010 - A Word from God for the City of Lichinga

Lichinga, Mozambique
Sunday, April 25, 2010
A Word from God for the City of Lichinga
So when we arrived to Lichinga, Mozambique last September, all of the missionaries at the IRIS Ministries base laid hands on us to pray for us. Many prophesied over us, giving words to us each individually. One of the missionaries, Tyren, said that God was going to give me a word for the city of Lichinga. At that time, I sort of cataloged it, thinking, “Who am I that God would give me a word for an entire city?” Yet for the past seven months, I have just pondered this, wondering if God was really going to give me a word for Lichinga. After I received this prophecy from Tyren, I thought back to a time of prayer we were having with Bogdan and Gosia before we left Poland for Africa, and remembering a prophecy that Bogdan had given me. He had said that he saw me like Aaron, with an ephod on my chest. And just like the priest’s ephod had twelve precious stones in it, God was going to give me twelve cities in my life and ministry, and that Piotrkow-Trybunalski was one of them. Not knowing what it meant that God was going to “give me cities,” I realize now that in different cities He will bring me to, God is going to give me words or revelations about those cities, or perhaps regions that will be very significant in the spiritual realm and have eternal implications.
The Lord began to reveal to me this word for the city of Lichinga as I was just studying the Yao language. Come to find out, the word, “Lichinga,” is actually a Yao word that means, “a place where goats are kept.” As I learned this, God began revealing His truths to me about the city. He took me to Matthew 25:31-46, which speaks about how God will separate the sheep from the goats on the day of judgment. The sheep on the right side are those who saw real needs in people’s lives and met them, whereas the goats where people who saw real needs in people’s lives and decided not to prefer others before themselves, passing the needy people by. Jesus said that it was the least of these who was in need of a drink, in need of food, without clothes, sick and in prison, and that helping or not helping the least of these was like helping or not helping Jesus Himself. The eternal destination of the sheep is heaven while the eternal destination of the goats is hell.
I don’t know why Lichinga got its’ name. Perhaps the person who named it saw a lot of goats around and named it accordingly. But I believe through revelation that there is more to it than that. Nearly every time I go to the bank to withdraw money from the ATM machine in Lichinga, at least one Mozambican cuts in front of me and sticks his card in before I can, even though I had been waiting for a long time. Cultural? Perhaps, but definitely not preferring one another before themselves. Let’s take the central market as well. Whenever I want to go but a flat of eggs from the central market, the sellers lined up nearly fight with each other to sell me their eggs. I always buy the eggs that I can get for the best price. But I have never seen one of the sellers say to another, “Look my brother. I have already sold three flats of eggs this morning and you have sold none. Why don’t you take the business of this white man?” Never, not once have I seen this happen. I could tell plenty more stories just like these. The key here is that you don’t see people preferring one another over themselves. Or if they do, it is because they believe they will have bad luck if they don’t. I know that there are exceptions, but Lichinga, at a glance spiritually looks like a place where goats are kept; a place where people only care about themselves and not others. If you take it even further, the place where goats are kept for eternity is literally, hell. So in a sense, you could say that Lichinga is “hell on earth,” or at least that would be Satan’s plan for the city of Lichinga.
It is interesting that in Matthew 25:32 that all the nations are gathered before God and that He will separate them, the nations, one from another. When Jesus was on earth he spoke to entire cities, saying to them that if the wonders that had been done in them would have been done in Sodom and Gomorrah, they would have repented. Jesus said it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for the cities He was speaking to. I know that each person will give an account of their own life before God one day as well, but Scripture clearly states that cities and nations will be judged as well. God then began to bring me to the lives of people like Jeremiah, Daniel and Ezra, who after they realized what a bad state the nation of Israel was in, fell on their faces and repented, not only for their own sins, but for the sins of the entire nation. God was planning on pouring out his judgment on Israel, yet because of one man’s contrition and public repentance on behalf of a nation, God would avert his wrath. Others would then catch on and join in this repentance for nation. It comes down to this: Are we humble enough to take the responsibility of the sins of our city, nation or ethnic group? What would happen if one, or two or a group of people fell on their faces before the living God in repentance of a city or a nation? Scripture says, “Can a nation be saved in one day?” I say, “Yes.” And if a nation can be saved in one day, why not a city, and why not the city of Lichinga?
Even though Satan’s plan for Lichinga is for it to remain a place where goats are kept; where people don’t help the needy and don’t prefer each other over themselves. Satan’s plan for Lichinga is to be hell on earth, yet God wants to turn everything around. God’s plan for Lichinga is for it to become a place where sheep are kept; where people have compassion for and help the needy and where people prefer others over themselves. God’s plan for Lichinga is to be heaven on earth. How can this happen? By taking our cues from the heroes of the faith who have gone before us. By falling on our faces and publically repenting for the sins of the city of Lichinga, for the sins of the Yao people and for the sins of the nation of Mozambique. Only then will God’s wrath be averted. Only then will change begin to take place. This repentance will need to take place at different levels of society as well. As you travel through Lichinga and its’ various suburbs, you literally see goats everywhere…I mean the animals. I believe that as a prophetic act, that the people of Lichinga should raise sheep instead, for milk and meat.
This was God’s word to me for the City of Lichinga. Like I wrote in a blog post earlier this month, I first gave this word at the prison, where everyone present fell on their faces before God in repentance for the sins of Lichinga. Tonight, at the City Church that our IRIS Ministry base leaders planted at the beginning of this year, I also gave this word. And everyone present got on their faces as well, publically confessing the sins of Lichinga and repenting on behalf of the city. I could literally feel a shift in the spiritual atmosphere above us as the people prayed. I am enjoying seeing the nations transformed by the blood of Jesus and through the power of His Holy Spirit, one person at a time, then one city, then one nation, and then the world. I am not sure where else I will have an opportunity to share this message in the city of Lichinga, but if you think about it, can you pray for me, that God will give me more opportunities to do so as He sees fit? Thanks. Bless you all.
Christian Young

Saturday, April 24, 2010

MOZAMBIQUE 2010 - Assumane Fun Day

Assumane, Mozambique
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Assumane Fun Day
We drove into Assumane today, but unlike usual, there weren’t many kids yelling out our names. But we all knew where there were. So we drove down in “Faithful” to the village’s local playing field.
When we got to the beautiful field of green, there were about 100 kids there. Eventually as we set up the sound system, there were close to about 1,000 kids in that area.
We started by playing games with the kids. Everything from “Red Light, Green Light,” to jump rope, to “Limbo,” to soccer, to “toss the ball in the bowl.” Then they had a group potato sack race. The kids all enjoyed this, laughing and playing and falling on the ground.
Then Victo called all the kids from the potato sack race over to the truck that had been transformed into a puppet stage. Then Victo, Anita, Carlos and Bona got out all the puppets and sang a song with the kids. When that was over, Debbie got out her ventriloquist puppet and gave the gospel message. Then a group of kids gave their lives to Jesus.
That’s when Tyren started to try and hand out little doughnut snacks called, “bolos!” But the kids started to get crazy trying to grab them out of the bags, so we stopped. Then we packed up the equipment and praised God for a wonderful day.
Jonas Young

Friday, April 23, 2010

MOZAMBIQUE 2010 - Outreach in N'Tuile

N'Tuile, Mozambique
Friday, April 23, 2010
Outreach in N’Tuile
The rainy season has ended and the dry season has come. This means that we are entering a season of intense evangelical outreach in the villages of northern Niassa province. N’Tuile is a village three villages north of Assumane, where they have been asking us since last year to come and show the Jesus film. There is a river right before you enter the village, and they just finished building a bridge across it that cars can travel on. Before, we would just ride or walk our motorbikes through the river to get there.
When Jesse first got saved, he entered a program called the B.A.D.D. organization that takes in troubled youth and disciples them. Jesse was with bad for three years, traveling across America, doing break dancing and sharing the gospel of Christ as part of their discipleship. A couple named Dominic and Debbie are the leaders of B.A.D.D., and are like spiritual parents to Jesse. Jesse and Tanya have had it on their heart to invite them to come to Mozambique for a while now. God gave them the desires of their heart as Dominic and Debbie arrived last week for a two week visit.
Dominic and Debbie accompanied us on the outreach, along with a group of our Mozambican missionaries and evangelists. Among other ministries that they have been involved in since their arrival here in Lichinga, Debbie has been training the Mozambicans how to do puppets and ventriloquism. This is the first time we have done puppets on an outreach and let me tell, the children present at the outreach were mesmerized. Debbie and the crew did such a wonderful job. We got their during daylight hours so we could have a children’s program. Along with the puppets and ventriloquism, they had skits and Victo even did a really cool “magic” trick. After the children’s program, close to 100 children raised their hands and prayed to receive Christ. Praise God!
We then had dancing, testimonies and preaching from our Mozambican team and quite a few more received Christ as well. Then we went in to the Jesus film. After the film, we had a time of prayer where people came forward for healing. I personally witnessed a lady receive her hearing after having hearing loss for three years as well as a man whose back was injured be completely healed (actually felt the muscles in his back being healed under my hands). It was a very successful Jesus film outreach, but almost didn’t happen because when we first arrived, the chief told us to leave, because a child was close to death in the village. They didn’t want us praying for the child after we offered, and we told them we didn’t know when we could return to show the film. He finally changed his mind and let us go on with the evangelism. N’Tuile is adjacent to Mount Mbuepa where the Yao people go to worship the spirits of their ancestors and demonic spirits. There is even a large demonic spirit that manifests itself as a dragon and has actually swooped down and burned many Yao homes to a crisp (Weird stuff happens out here). Anyway, the enemy tried to shut us down but the Lord prevailed and heaven and earth are both different because of it. I will write more about this stronghold and mountain in a another blog post.
There is an Anglican church in the village of N’Tuile. We have found that most Anglican and Catholic churches here in the Niassa province are void of any born-again believers; only people who practice ritualistic religion. Yet this night, the Lord gave me favor with the pastor of the Anglican church and I sat next to him the entire evening explaining what we were seeing on the Jesus film together. It was an amazing divine appointment. We hope to disciple him, making sure he is born-again and Spirit-filled, so that he can continue the work of God’s Kingdom in the village.

Christian Young

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

MOZAMBIQUE 2010 - Prison Ministry

Lichinga, Mozambique
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Prison Ministry
I want to take a moment to just brag on a fellow IRIS missionary here in Lichinga. His name is Tyren Haynes and he serves with his wife Tiffany and their three children. He has a real heart for the city of Lichinga, as well as some other local villages. But let me tell you, this man ministers where Jesus would minister if He were walking the earth today. Two of the main places that Tyren ministers are the hospital and the prison in Lichinga.
I really try to come alongside my fellow missionaries and support them in their various ministries. I was able to go to the hospital with Tyren last year. I have also been wanting to make it to the prison to minister with him as well. About a week ago, Tyren asked if I could come with him to the prison to minister, saying he believed I had a word for the prisoners. Let me tell you something else about Tyren; this guy operates, no, lives in the prophetic. He gets words constantly for people and situations. It is amazing. In fact, when our family first arrived, all of the IRIS missionaries laid hands on us, prophesying, Tyren prophesied at that time that God was going to give me a word for the city of Lichinga.
Tyren and I in front of the prison in Lichinga
Seven months later, the Lord has begun to reveal to me what the word for the city of Lichinga is. I really want to write another blog post more specifically about it later. But anyway, I was able to give this word for the city of Lichinga, starting with the prisoners and guards at the prison on Lichinga yesterday. About 20 to 30 prisoners gathered for an awesome time of worship after we arrived, with all kinds of other prisoners doing various activities in the courtyard. Tyren prayed for a bit. I then gave a short testimony about myself, so they could get to know me a little. Then a was able to share the word for the city with them. Let me just say that our time together ended with all of us on our faces before the Lord crying out to Him, confessing the sins of the city of Lichinga, the nation of Mozambique, and for the various people groups represented there. At other times the other prisoners were loud and busy doing different things. During that time of public repentance, you could hear a pin drop as the whole prison went silent, and a cool breeze blew through that prison courtyard. Then Tyren had all of the prisoners lay hands on me and pray for me. It was a glorious time.
I believe that the Lord will give me more opportunities to share this word at different levels in the city of Lichinga. It was an honor and a privilege to minister with Tyren, Victo, Carlos and the others yesterday at the prison.

Christian Young

Saturday, April 10, 2010

MOZAMBIQUE 2010 - 500 km Scouting Trip to Mavago

Mavago, Mozambique
Saturday, April 10, 2010
500 km Scouting Trip to Mavago
This past couple of days marked the longest scouting trip that Jesse and I have ever taken on motorbikes. We rode our motorbikes altogether over 500 kilometers from our home in Lichinga northeast past the village of Mavago in search for an airstrip that a small airplane can land on.
We got a message from Pemba that “Papa Joe,” the missionary pilot who flies Heidi and Rolland Baker all around Mozambique and beyond to minister, has it in his heart to help us reach the most isolated, unreached villages in the northern Niassa province. In order to do this, we would need to first take scouting trips to the airstrips to see if they are still operable, and in good enough condition to land his small plane, as well as use my GPS to get the exact coordinates (latitude and longitude) of where the airstrip is, in order for Joe to be able to find. We have two sets of maps from the Agricultural Center in two different scales. The smaller scale maps that we have taped together to make one giant map indicates that there are a few airstrips in the Mavago area.

So on Friday, Jesse, Victo and I, set out to locate one of these airstrips; the one north of the village of Mavago, on another, different road leading all the way to the Tanzania border. We had already planned last year to reach this area with the gospel, so we were excited to go. We went on “Acceleration,” the strongest of our 50cc evangelism motorbikes, and on “Impartation,” my Yamaha 125cc dirt bike, which I just recently rigged with a 12 volt adapter, enabling me to mount the GPS to the dirt bike. It was a long, long journey. We left at close to 7:00am Friday morning and arrived in Mavago at around 12:30pm. We had actually hoped to return to Lichinga the same day, but our plans changed.

When we got to Mavago, we began to ask around about an airstrip. We found out that there was a functional airstrip in Mavago, which is a relatively large village that even has electricity. We also asked if there were any churches in Mavago. One man told us in Portuguese that there were at least three: Catholic, Anglican and Assemblies of God. Realizing that this village was already reached by the gospel, we asked about the airstrip we saw north of Mavago on the map. That man did not know, yet as we asked other Yao people, they told us that there was an airstrip overgrown with grass about 40km north in a village called “Mavago I.” Apparently we were in “Mavago II.” This sort of lined up with some research we had done by asking our missionary friend, Keith, who served just south of that area in the past, before he and his family were missionaries in Malawi and then Meponda.
We heard it was a difficult road to ride on, and that it would take some time to maneuver around. We looked at the time, counted the cost, and decided to go for it. It WAS DEFINITELY a difficult ride. Jesse crashed while climbing a hill of rocks, cutting his face. We finally traveled over sand, roots, rocks and washed out roads 25km to the village of “Mavago I.” It is a normal sized village that is very isolated due to the difficult travel. When we enquired about the airstrip in that village, we had found out that there was an airstrip that the government once owned and sold to some other “Asungus,” or white people, but they said it was further than the village. This wasn’t a surprise to us as we were actually in the Hunting Block, where hunters from all over the world fly in to hunt big game. We decided to give it a shot, seeing as we had come this far. We rode over more treacherous roads, and after 15km and not yet reaching the airstrip, we realized that it wouldn’t work anyway, as Joe wanted to bring the Jesus Film equipment on the plane and show the film right next to the airstrip itself. We were also being bitten up by tsetse flies, which cause sleeping sickness. We then ran into two men on bicycles from Tanzania. They only spoke Swahili and broken English. I spoke some conversational Swahili with them (as I learned how to speak a bit of it back in 1995 when we were in Kenya and Tanzania), but they were able to tell us in English that the airstrip was still another 5km. They did tell us about a large village at the Tanzania border called, “Milepa.” My heart was stirred for that completely isolated village, and I felt that we would be able to return someday, perhaps by a long day’s motorbike ride, to reach that village with the gospel of Christ.

After Jesse, Victo and I prayed together for wisdom from above, we decided to turn back for the day. As we rode back in to “Mavago I,” we decided to share the gospel with the people of that village. We asked about the white people who owned the airstrip, and that to their knowledge, they weren’t Christians. In fact, the people of that village had never even heard of Jesus (“Isa Klisto” in the Yao language). A group of 20 or so, men, woman and youth gathered to hear about Jesus. In the end four of the men gathered together with us in a circle, and holding hands together, they prayed and asked Jesus Christ to enter into their lives, forsaking Islam and animism. It was a huge win. Although our search for the airstrip wasn’t a success, the trip was a success, because those four men were changed forever.
We decided to stay the night at the only guest house in “Mavago II,” for only 150 mets a room (less than $5 U.S.), which was just a room and a bed w/mosquito net (except Jesse’s room didn’t have a net, so he didn’t sleep). They were all out of food, though. But we had packed some bread and peanut butter. We spent the night there, woke up and left around 5:30am, just before sunrise. The ride back was just as long, but this time, we were to stop in Chiconono. We knew some SIM missionaries who ran a Christian radio station there. We arrived at 7:30am in Chiconono, unexpectedly on Armand and Henrietta’s doorstep. They lovingly welcomed us in for a hot cup of coffee (home grown from their garden) and cheesecake, which hit the spot as my hands were frozen and numb from the cool air from that morning’s ride. They showed us around the radio station and even showed us maps (they went to the Agricultural Center to get the same maps we have after Jesse had last talked to them) of how far their FM radio station travels, which was very intriguing. They also showed us their lovely garden. We were able to talk to them, as well, about how we might be able to partner with them to follow up in the local villages that listen to their radio station, daily.
After spending a couple of hours with them, we said our goodbyes and headed back to Lichinga. The ride was breathtaking this time of year, with the green vegetation, the majestic jagged mountain peaks and the baboons running away from the sound of our motorbikes. Even with a very sore back and butt, I can still say that there is no other life for me, than to be a missionary, here in Africa, going where missionaries have not yet ventured, and carrying the glory of God across the face of the earth. It is God’s call upon our life. Yet, it is the great commission, which all of us Christ-followers have to heed. Wherever you are right now, may you inspired to do your part and carry the glory of God to your home, school, workplace, or wherever it is that He has called you to.

Christian Young

Sunday, April 4, 2010

MOZAMBIQUE 2010 - New Life on Resurrection Sunday

Assumane, Mozambique
Sunday, April 4, 2010
New Life on Resurrection Sunday
We celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead this Sunday at the Church of Assumane. It was a glorious time of celebration. Our little grass church was bursting at the seams with people. The church members put together a really cool drama telling the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Then, as they have been doing the past couple of months, they lines up in two rows and began to worship the Lord through singing and dancing in unison.

Jesse spoke on resurrection life. After the drama and worship, I also spoke on the new life that Jesus wanted to give the people. I gave an invitation for people to come and receive Jesus. Three men and one woman came forward to ask Jesus into their hearts. One of the men is originally from the city of Xai-Xai and has been attending the church for the past six months. Today was the day that he made the step of faith. Another older man is also originally from another province and Phineus’ family has been witnessing to him. Others came forward for healing and received supernatural healing, including Maria and Phineus. At the end of the service, we all ate bolos (little fried donuts) and drank juice together. The resurrection life of Christ is evident at the Church of Assumane. But this has been true for the past six months since the church was planted in the village. The things that took place today are the norm here. We get to see evidence of His resurrection life on a daily basis in Assumane!
Christian Young

Friday, April 2, 2010

MOZAMBIQUE 2010 - Our New Pet Kitten

Lichinga, Mozambique
Friday, April 2, 2010
Our New Pet Kitten
“Jomba” is the cat who is black and white that we got from another family, the Wilcox’s. He’s got cute pink paws and a pink nose. I like him, I really do! “Jomba” means “uncle” in Yao. We gave him a tube and we call it, “Jomba’s tube,” and he bats it with his paws.
Jordan Young
“Jomba” is our new cat and we made him a cat toy. It is made out of an old tube, and he likes it. We really like him. He’s a fun cat as well. We just got him, and he still has to get use to our house. We will feed him, and groom him, and he’ll sleep in my brother’s room. So “Jomba” is our cat.
Justine Young
Since the “visitation” of rats in our house, and even in the glove box of our car, we began the discussion of getting a cat to keep out the rats. Before “Jomba,” Jesse and I chased a rat down in our house at night, me with an axe, Jesse with a machete, and killed it. Another night, we chased one into the closet, where once it was cornered, literally leaped into the air at me. Pretty freaky. All that to say that our new cat “Jomba” will both be a good rat hunter (we hope) and will also bring our children much joy.

Christian Young

Thursday, April 1, 2010

MALAWI 2010 - 2nd Visit to Malawi

Bangula, Malawi
Thursday, April 1, 2010
2nd Visit to Malawi
It came time for us once again to obtain visas for us to stay in Mozambique. We were so blessed three months ago as the Immigration Office here in Lichinga granted us another three month visa without having to travel to Malawi. But this past week we headed to the Mozambique embassy in Malawi to apply for residence visas, in hopes to obtain DIREs, which will give us residency in Mozambique. Then we will only have to renew our DIREs every year, and can travel freely in and out of Mozambique as residents. We went to Malawi knowing that the embassy could very well take the two weeks allotted to process the documents for this kind of visa, yet we were pleasantly surprised to find that it only took us one hour to complete the process. Thank you, Lord, for your favor in our lives.
IRIS Base in Bangula

We had heard from Jesse and Tanya that IRIS Ministries had a really cool base in Bangula, which is about a two hour drive south of Blantyre. So we made arrangements to stay at the IRIS base for a couple of days and nights on this trip to Malawi. Wow! What a very well-run ministry they have there. We stayed in a beautiful visitor’s center, where we had both running water and electricity. They even have the taps filtered to be able to drink. They also have orphanages and school buildings for the orphans. Each IRIS base has the freedom to operate differently. I was very happy to see the care at this IRIS base in that each children’s home operates like a family, which is very special. They also have a Bible school and a church on the base. There are offices, missionary housing and a really cool fish hatchery and hydroponics area where from within the base, they will be able to self-sufficiently feed the population of orphans. They have close to 50 orphans on base now, and are building quite a few more homes where they expect to receive another 50 orphans very soon. It was a wonderful time to relax and play with the Chichewa and Sena speaking children. The staff is wonderful, most of them being from Canada. God is doing wonderful things here at IRIS Ministries in Malawi.
Christian Young
Beautiful Visitor's Center where we stayed.......School where the orphans attend
Really cool fish hatchery on base..............Some of the boys watch a movie with us
Boys from the IRIS Ministries Children's Center.....Jor and Justine playing with children