Monday, July 13, 2009
Resurrection Life
I accepted another invitation to speak at the Pentecostal church in Radomsko, and spoke at their Sunday morning meeting yesterday. Angie and Teri wanted to see another church setting here in Poland, and we very much wanted to connect them, and Whipple Creek Church, with pastor Wiesław and the lovely people of that congregation.
I spoke on the resurrection of Jesus, using 1 Corinthians 15 as the main Scripture passage. We had a wonderful time of worship before the message. Then our friend Paweł translated for me, which I was so grateful for. It felt as though people weren’t responding throughout the message, even though it was such a lively topic. I thought maybe the message was a bit boring. About 3/4 of the way through the message, I began to sense that people were connecting. I gave an opportunity for people to receive Christ who had never done so before, and 3 PEOPLE CAME FORWARD TO PRAY FOR SALVATION! Hallelujah! Wow! That is the second time within a week that people have heard the gospel, and responded when an invitation was given. I had pastor Wiesław pray with them and lead them in prayer. Another group of 5 or 6 people also came forward for prayer. Myself, Paweł, Angie, Wiesław and his wife prayed for various people. I believe most of them were set free and also experienced resurrection life and resurrection power for their different circumstances. Again, praise the Lord! There were some prophetic words given to Angie and Teri for us, some of them dealing with a double portion of God’s anointing, and man, we are just getting under that anointing. God is doing tremendous things here in Poland.
We ended our time their by having obiad (lunch) with them, and fellowshipping outside with them while I jammed on the guitar. Było dobry czas! (It was a good time!)
We ended our time their by having obiad (lunch) with them, and fellowshipping outside with them while I jammed on the guitar. Było dobry czas! (It was a good time!)
Christian Young
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