Tuesday, July 7, 2009
20 People Pray To Receive Jesus!
Well, we just finished our second day of our Summer Kid’s Club. Things have been going great. We have had over 50 kids each day. It has looked similar to how it has the last couple of years, starting with singing and skits, then a Bible teaching time, snack, games, crafts and obiad (lunch). Teri and Angie have been concentrating on leading the craft time, as Teri has done this and brought things for crafts for the past three years. The skits have been hilarious. Our kids have been having a blast with the other Polish children.
Today, my main responsibility was to teach the older children’s Bible lesson. Our theme this summer has had to do with different animals every day. Yesterday was the lew (lion) representing Satan. Today was the owca (sheep) representing Christ-followers. As I was preparing the lesson, I thought it would be a great opportunity to give a clear presentation of the gospel, using the symbolism of sheep, goats, the Shepherd and the hearing the Shepherd’s voice. I almost knew beforehand that people would give their lives to Jesus. After I gave the teaching, I had an opportunity for the class to pray and personally ask Jesus to be their Shepherd, receiving Him into their hearts. Man, it was absolutely amazing to see 18 youth and 2 adult care-takers bow their heads, close their eyes and repeat a simple prayer after Damian and I. Probably half the youth that received Christ we have had previous contact with through Kid’s Club and other activities in the city. The other half were new children that I have never seen before, including a group of orphans from Sulejów, a neighboring city. We are so excited as these are the first people I have had the privilege of leading to Jesus after 6 months of living in Poland. We followed up by getting their names to pray for, and for the staff to continue following up with. We also gave many a Polish New Testament of their own. Praise the Lord for this wonderful harvest!
Christian Young
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