Wednesday, April 27, 2011
What Does Love Look Like?
Our team of nine Iris missionaries, along with our hosts and translators have been carrying the love of Jesus into the shelters and areas of devastation. So what does love look like after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan?
At the shelter in Watari love looks like serving coffee to the people gathered in their makeshift homes separated by carboard half-walls. Love looks like buying 300 pieces of chicken and feeding 40 families. Love looks like giving flowers to the people who have lost loved ones, homes and possessions in the earthquake and tsunami and giving time to them cry and grieve openly, even though it goes against their culture. Love looks like listening to their stories and giving them hugs. Love looks like dressing up in monkey, tiger and rabbit costumes and bringing smiles to children's faces in the midst of fear and uncertainty. Love looks like distributing donated clothing to families whose clothes have been washed away in the tsunami waters. Love looks like performing a skit and explaining the gospel. Love looks like praying with people to receive Jesus. Love looks like giving people Bibles and small mp5 players with the Jesus film in Japanese.

In Tagajo love looks like a treasure hunt. Love looks like serving coffee to workers who are cleaning up debris and praying with them to receive Jesus. At a shelter in Sendai love looks like embracing a young girl and speaking destiny over her life. This is a glimpse of what love has looked like as our Iris Relief 2nd Response Team has traveled through Japan. The Japanese are beautiful people. Jesus loves Japan and so do I.
Christian Young

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