Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Arrival in Tokyo Where the Earth is Shaking
Thank you all for your prayers. I made it in to Tokyo a little earlier today. I met up with Ben, another one of our team members after getting off the plane at the Narita Airport. After purchasing a SIM card to use with my Blackberry and changing US Dollars to Japanese Yen, Ben and I bought bus tickets to Sano City where we are staying for the night. We met up with most of our team members but are still waiting for Yonnie, Katherine and Amy to arrive at the Haneda Airport. Our hosts here at the Sano Church are amazing and so hospitable. They took us out to a Japanese restaurant.
I'm pretty tired but felt like I wanted to update our blog to let everyone know that I made it safely. Just as I was getting onto the blog to make this post, a big aftershock shook the whole church building that we are staying at for a few moments. I just happened to be talking with some other team members, Scott and Mark about the return of Christ and the birth pains associated with the beginning of sorrows when the aftershock hit. What amazing timing! It wasn't big enough of an earthquake to destroy anything at the church building and our team is fine. I can see why the Japanese people are so unsettled and in need of hope. I know where I will go when die. Ninety nine percent of the Japanese are unreached and don't have this same assurety of eternal life through a personal, hand-holding relationship with Jesus Christ that I do. This is why we hit the road for Sendai tomorrow to bring this hope in Jesus to this precious people. Thanks again for your continued prayers. Love to you all.
Christian Young
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