Thursday, March 10, 2011
Ministering to Prostitutes, Transvestites and "Clients"
into Pattaya by bus from Northeast Thailand at around 3am and slept on
the floor of Jesse and Tanya's room until about 8:30am. Didn't get much
sleep on the bus or the floor, so while a group from our team went to
the prison to minister, Jesse, Tanya, Lonnie and I chose to relax on the
beach. We swam in the warm waters of the Gulf of Thailand. There are so
many tourists and the beaches aren't very beautiful, but we made the
best of it.
around 4pm our team walked to "The Crossing" which is a youth center.
They have a skate ministry as well. We met the leader of the youth
center, Wan, and prayed fro him. Then Jesse and I skated with the local
skaters. There is also a local skate shop right next to the youth center
called, "Kanong Skate Shop." They have a skate team with three guys who
ride for them; Sten, Mark and Bobby. They are really good at skating. I
made friends with them all as we skated together. Got some film and
pics of them, too. They gave me their contact info for YouTube and
Facebook so I can hit them up when I get back to the U.S. They were all
interested in our FacePlant skate team. We also invited them all to the
block party we will throw on Saturday.
Around 6:30pm our team took a taxi to the red light district where DeeDee, Bae and I led worship at the PHOP (Pattaya House of Prayer )
for two hours. It was so neat to fill the streets of the red light
district with the worship of Jesus. Then our team hit the streets and
handed out roses to the prostitutes and ministered to them as well as to
the "lady-boys" or transvestites and the men who had come to buy them
for sex. And Irish "client" named Willem (who Jesse and DeeDee had
previously prayed with as he came to sit in on our worship time) asked
me to pray for him as he held hands with a Thai prostitute. I prayed that God would
reveal Himself to Willem through the Holy Spirit. I also talked to a guy
named Max who hugged me and wished us the best. We greeted the
prostitutes, transvestites and "clients" in Jesus' name, telling them,
"Pra Yesu Rah Koon," or, "Jesus loves you." Our team carried so much of
the Father's love through the red light district tonight. I knew that
this is exactly the kind of place that Jesus would minister.
On another note, I got a chance to add some more weird foods to my list of things tried overseas. These include: grasshopper, frog, cricket and larvae.
Christian Young
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