Tuesday, March 24, 2011
IRIS Relief Japan
Hey guys! I just got back from a very productive journey to Thailand with IRIS Ministries (Heidi Baker) where our team began the process of starting a base that will focus on rescuing girls from prostitution and the sex slave trade. It was while we were in Thailand that the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan. I was heartbroken over the news of this. The leader of our IRIS Thailand team happens to be the leader of IRIS Relief as well and has invited me to co-lead a small group IRIS missionaries in Japan that will travel to the areas of devastation, bringing food and supplies, as well as carrying the love and glory of God to the heartbroken and hurting people there. My specific giftings (healing, word of knowledge, prophecy, etc.) and training (U.S. Marine Corps, third world experience, etc.) are needed on this team as you can imagine the physical, spiritual and emotional hopelessness that the people of Japan are going through at this moment. There isn't a more opportune time to be able to respond both practically and spiritually to the needs of Japan than there is now. After much prayer with my family, I have decided to respond to the call.
As far as raising support as missionaries, in the past we have simply shared with people what God has called us to do and given opportunity for people to partner with Him in bringing His love to the nations through us. We don't ever really ask for money. It's not our thing. So would you consider this one of those times when we are getting the word out of what God has placed on our hearts, and just see if He stirs your heart to help the people of Japan in this very practical and personal way?
My round trip tickets to Tokyo and back are only $840.00. I will also need approximately $500.00 to pay for fuel, food and lodging while I am there for the three weeks. I would leave on April 11th and return on May 2nd. IRIS relief has already raised a lot of money for the actual aid and supplies that we will be bringing to the areas of devastation, but any money that comes in over and above the amount needed for my personal expenses can be allocated to more of those supplies. As of this moment, I don't have any of the money needed to make this trip, yet my faith is strong. The best way to give would be via PayPal using the "donate now" button on the right side bar of our blog:
You will receive a tax-deductible receipt at the end of the fiscal year for your contributions if God does lead you to give. I just wanted to thank you in advance for helping us be the hands and feet of Jesus as the world around us continues to rage seemingly out of control. I welcome all responses as I would love to hear from you. Your prayers are vital as well. I feel so blessed to have been chosen for such a time as this. Love to all of you.
Chris Chin Chung

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