Friday, January 29, 2010
Outreach in Lussenhando
My heart was racing as we went down
the red-dirt road to Assumane. We picked up the rest of our evangelism
team from Papa Phineas’ house and we headed down the road to the village
of Lussenhando.
We pulled up to the chief’s house and he came out of his courtyard to come and greet us. After we greeted everyone, we split up into groups and went across to different parts of the village to do ministry and pray for healings.
We pulled up to the chief’s house and he came out of his courtyard to come and greet us. After we greeted everyone, we split up into groups and went across to different parts of the village to do ministry and pray for healings.
A lady totally saved and healed................This child also completely recovered
Our group of people was me, daddy, Anita, her sister and two teenagers my age; Carlos and Gebuza. We went to Anita’s sister’s family’s house. There, we spent time talking with her family and soon enough five or six people got into a single-file line to receive Jesus and healing for their bodies. They were all healed miraculously. Hallelujah!
When we came back to the chief’s house, the flat-bed truck was set up with the sound system and projector. We were all ready for tonight. While we were dancing, I made friends with some of the kids there. One boy (I later found out his name is Mbwana) was always fighting with the other kids. I especially befriended him and I think it really impacted him that someone would make friends with him.
Our group of people was me, daddy, Anita, her sister and two teenagers my age; Carlos and Gebuza. We went to Anita’s sister’s family’s house. There, we spent time talking with her family and soon enough five or six people got into a single-file line to receive Jesus and healing for their bodies. They were all healed miraculously. Hallelujah!
When we came back to the chief’s house, the flat-bed truck was set up with the sound system and projector. We were all ready for tonight. While we were dancing, I made friends with some of the kids there. One boy (I later found out his name is Mbwana) was always fighting with the other kids. I especially befriended him and I think it really impacted him that someone would make friends with him.
Chris Chin playing guitar in the flatbed.......Hundreds from the village to watch the film
A Muslim man receives Jesus Christ..........Our evangelism team the next morning
Also, during the dancing and singing, the generator stopped working a couple of times. We all prayed over it in Jesus’ name and it worked the entire rest of the outreach. Soon it was time to start the Jesus film.
As soon as the movie started, I sat down with my friends, Bona and Carlos, and we watched the film. About halfway through the film, we ate dinner. We watched the crucifixion of Jesus together, and I saw the look of sadness on almost all of the children’s faces.
After that we had people raise their hands to receive Jesus. Some of them did, including a Muslim man. After this, we danced a bit more and we packed up for the night. We put our things in the tents we had set up in the chief’s courtyard. Then we set up our sleeping bags and hit the sack…well, not really. We actually stayed up until about midnight talking in Yao from tent to tent, making everyone laugh! It was a great day of ministry.
The next morning we got all of our sleeping gear back into the truck. Then we had some breakfast of mangoes, bananas, bread and little donuts called, “bolos.” After breakfast we prayed together as a team and went out in groups again throughout the village.
Our group specifically prayed for many healings, including a blind lady. We also prayed with some more people to receive Jesus.

Also, during the dancing and singing, the generator stopped working a couple of times. We all prayed over it in Jesus’ name and it worked the entire rest of the outreach. Soon it was time to start the Jesus film.
As soon as the movie started, I sat down with my friends, Bona and Carlos, and we watched the film. About halfway through the film, we ate dinner. We watched the crucifixion of Jesus together, and I saw the look of sadness on almost all of the children’s faces.
After that we had people raise their hands to receive Jesus. Some of them did, including a Muslim man. After this, we danced a bit more and we packed up for the night. We put our things in the tents we had set up in the chief’s courtyard. Then we set up our sleeping bags and hit the sack…well, not really. We actually stayed up until about midnight talking in Yao from tent to tent, making everyone laugh! It was a great day of ministry.
The next morning we got all of our sleeping gear back into the truck. Then we had some breakfast of mangoes, bananas, bread and little donuts called, “bolos.” After breakfast we prayed together as a team and went out in groups again throughout the village.
Our group specifically prayed for many healings, including a blind lady. We also prayed with some more people to receive Jesus.
Our group praying for a blind woman.........Visiting different houses in the village
During this time, Jesse was with the chief and a few village leaders, who were showing him a plot of land where they want us to build a church building! (and a couple of mud huts where we can stay sometimes)
This is an amazing victory, because just a few days before, Muslim sheiks had been angry with us because we wanted to show the Jesus film. God has amazing plans for this village, and the Yao of Mozambique!
During this time, Jesse was with the chief and a few village leaders, who were showing him a plot of land where they want us to build a church building! (and a couple of mud huts where we can stay sometimes)
This is an amazing victory, because just a few days before, Muslim sheiks had been angry with us because we wanted to show the Jesus film. God has amazing plans for this village, and the Yao of Mozambique!
Cho Nas Chung
Some other cool things about our two-day outreach in Lussenhando...the Muslim sheik actually came up right before the Jesus film to greet our team and was very favorable toward us showing it. I know that we realized that we were there to love them and bring the good news of Jesus to them, not to compete with their religion. This was also confirmed publically by the chief and village leaders that night over the sound system. Almost the entire village was present to watch the film, which was hundreds and hundreds of people. Although not many came forward that night to receive Jesus after the showing of the Jesus film, over the two day outreach around 20 adults and 60 children prayed to receive Christ, many of them also healed of infirmities. The main village leaders were among those who were saved. The blind lady who was delivered from a demonic spirit didn’t receive her healing because as we were praying for her in the name of Jesus, she was chanting and singing things to Allah. It was a perfect time to teach her that Allah is not God, and that if she is crying out to Allah for healing, Jesus won’t hear her to answer her. I took the time to talk to her about the true, triune God of the Scriptures, and she said that from now on, she will only pray and sing to Jesus! I will follow up with her to see what Jesus does with her sight. She has been blind for twenty years. We will be planting a church in this village this year, as the people of the village want one. We are praying about sending teams to pastor these churches, teaching on Sundays, on a rotation (myself included) to this church, one we want to plant in Micoco this year, and perhaps some others. Our goal will be to develop pastors in these villages to continue on the work of pastoring and teaching. Praise God! Lussenhando was the village where the chief, secretary and 50 others had given their lives to Christ when we brought the “Proclaimers” to the chiefs of 5 villages before the rainy season. The current harvest in this village is a direct result of our prayers and the divine strategy that God has given us to reach these villages for Christ!
Christian Young
Some other cool things about our two-day outreach in Lussenhando...the Muslim sheik actually came up right before the Jesus film to greet our team and was very favorable toward us showing it. I know that we realized that we were there to love them and bring the good news of Jesus to them, not to compete with their religion. This was also confirmed publically by the chief and village leaders that night over the sound system. Almost the entire village was present to watch the film, which was hundreds and hundreds of people. Although not many came forward that night to receive Jesus after the showing of the Jesus film, over the two day outreach around 20 adults and 60 children prayed to receive Christ, many of them also healed of infirmities. The main village leaders were among those who were saved. The blind lady who was delivered from a demonic spirit didn’t receive her healing because as we were praying for her in the name of Jesus, she was chanting and singing things to Allah. It was a perfect time to teach her that Allah is not God, and that if she is crying out to Allah for healing, Jesus won’t hear her to answer her. I took the time to talk to her about the true, triune God of the Scriptures, and she said that from now on, she will only pray and sing to Jesus! I will follow up with her to see what Jesus does with her sight. She has been blind for twenty years. We will be planting a church in this village this year, as the people of the village want one. We are praying about sending teams to pastor these churches, teaching on Sundays, on a rotation (myself included) to this church, one we want to plant in Micoco this year, and perhaps some others. Our goal will be to develop pastors in these villages to continue on the work of pastoring and teaching. Praise God! Lussenhando was the village where the chief, secretary and 50 others had given their lives to Christ when we brought the “Proclaimers” to the chiefs of 5 villages before the rainy season. The current harvest in this village is a direct result of our prayers and the divine strategy that God has given us to reach these villages for Christ!
Christian Young
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