Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Breaking Ground in Assumane
We broke ground yesterday on one of two new church buildings in Assumane. Thanks to you, our supporters, we have been able to spend most of our financial support on funding a good portion of the construction of these new facilities. Other IRIS missionaries here had some more really great ideas on the construction of the new children’s ministry center. They thought classrooms on the exterior, rather than the interior of the building would be best. With all of us in agreement of that, we drew up some new plans of what the children’s ministry center will look like. Although these are just buildings to house what God is doing here in Assumane, I must admit, these are going to be some pretty sweet buildings. Check out how we even put a crow’s nest that we will name, “the eagle’s nest” on top of the children’s ministry center. In the future we will chain a shofar, instead of a church bell in “the eagle’s nest,” to call people to worship.
New tools and sand for new project.......Condeila and Luciano digging foundation
I am also working on a church sign for in front of the new church facilities. I bought a piece of wood, cut it in half, and am hand carving, “BEM VINDOS, IGREJA DE ASSUMANE,” on the top section which means, “Welcome, The Church of Assumane.” On the bottom section is the IRIS logo with Psalm 24:7 in Portuguese to the right of it. That passage is very prophetic for the village of Assumane. After I am finished carving the sign, I will paint it. I will keep you updated as the building project continues. Please pray for Salomao, Condeila, Luciano, Jesse and I as we spend many hours doing construction. Also please pray that the Lord will release more finance for this project. Our support alone can’t cover the entire cost. The building project we figure will be around $20,000 for both buildings. But this is just a drop in the hat for our God who owns everything. =) Imagine two brand new churches being built in the U.S. for only $20,000!!! This goes to show you just how far the U.S. dollar goes in Africa. Praise the Lord that we can build two permanent structures for so little!
I am also working on a church sign for in front of the new church facilities. I bought a piece of wood, cut it in half, and am hand carving, “BEM VINDOS, IGREJA DE ASSUMANE,” on the top section which means, “Welcome, The Church of Assumane.” On the bottom section is the IRIS logo with Psalm 24:7 in Portuguese to the right of it. That passage is very prophetic for the village of Assumane. After I am finished carving the sign, I will paint it. I will keep you updated as the building project continues. Please pray for Salomao, Condeila, Luciano, Jesse and I as we spend many hours doing construction. Also please pray that the Lord will release more finance for this project. Our support alone can’t cover the entire cost. The building project we figure will be around $20,000 for both buildings. But this is just a drop in the hat for our God who owns everything. =) Imagine two brand new churches being built in the U.S. for only $20,000!!! This goes to show you just how far the U.S. dollar goes in Africa. Praise the Lord that we can build two permanent structures for so little!
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