Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Dzięki Ci Recording Project
One of the ways we have been able to minister here in Poland has been through music. Many of you know that I have written and recorded original worship songs over the years. One of the songs I had written about five years ago is called, “Thanks To You.” I recorded this song with my brother, Phil, and released it on the album, “Reckless Abandon.” This song has become a favorite to many as I have played it around the world, and so we decided to translate this song into Polish. My good friend here in Poland, Damian Kasznicki, translated the text from English to Polish, and that translation of the song is called, “Dzięki Ci.” I have only learned to speak conversational Polish since we have been in Poland, so I had to memorize the text for this new translation. I worked hard on trying to nail their inflections and tried to hide my American accent as well as I could, but I am sure that the Poles that listen to it will know that it is a foreigner trying to sing in their language. I have sang this song in Polish at various concerts, outreaches and churches in Poland.
Anyway, since we arrived in January I have been working with the worship team here in Piotrków-Trybunalski, which is made up of youth from the church. I decided that a neat going away present that we could give the church, was a CD on which their own youth playing their own instruments. I decided to invest in an M-Box with Pro-Tools, a high quality recording program, for our lap-top before we left the U.S., knowing that we wanted to continue to record and release more worship stuff. We decided to record and release “Dzięki Ci” as a CD single, with a version in Polish and English, to give everyone in the congregation as a going away present. I had each of the youth put on headphones and add their parts to the song: Marta Krystoń on keyboard; Łukasz Krystoń on violin; Adam Loffler on electric guitar; Paweł Loffler on bass; Damian Kasznicki on acoustic guitar; and our son, Jonas, on acoustic guitar as well (his recording debut. I am very proud of him. He is becoming quite the accomplished guitarist and worship leader); I simply played the main acoustic guitar part and sand the lead and background vocals, as well as played an egg shaker. I sent the mp3s off to my good friend Jackson Jackson to master at his recording studio in Vancouver, Washington. He got them back to me in about a day. I bought some Light Scribe CD’s that our laptop can do direct disc labeling onto and, “voila,” another CD released.

Anyway, since we arrived in January I have been working with the worship team here in Piotrków-Trybunalski, which is made up of youth from the church. I decided that a neat going away present that we could give the church, was a CD on which their own youth playing their own instruments. I decided to invest in an M-Box with Pro-Tools, a high quality recording program, for our lap-top before we left the U.S., knowing that we wanted to continue to record and release more worship stuff. We decided to record and release “Dzięki Ci” as a CD single, with a version in Polish and English, to give everyone in the congregation as a going away present. I had each of the youth put on headphones and add their parts to the song: Marta Krystoń on keyboard; Łukasz Krystoń on violin; Adam Loffler on electric guitar; Paweł Loffler on bass; Damian Kasznicki on acoustic guitar; and our son, Jonas, on acoustic guitar as well (his recording debut. I am very proud of him. He is becoming quite the accomplished guitarist and worship leader); I simply played the main acoustic guitar part and sand the lead and background vocals, as well as played an egg shaker. I sent the mp3s off to my good friend Jackson Jackson to master at his recording studio in Vancouver, Washington. He got them back to me in about a day. I bought some Light Scribe CD’s that our laptop can do direct disc labeling onto and, “voila,” another CD released.
I am really excited about having all the youth on this project. Since we have been in Poland, my heart has been to help the Polish believers develop their own sound; worship from the Polish heart to the throne of God. So it’s nice that we could translate one of my songs into Polish, but I have been really encouraging this worship team, and other worship leaders and songwriters in Poland to write their own worship music, in their own native language, from their own heart. Our hope is to do this in every nation we are sent to, as well as to integrate different ethnic sounds into our original music. If you are interested in listening to and/or downloading this song as an mp3, please look to the right sidebar on this missions blog and you will find the album, “Dzięki Ci,” along with other albums I have released. Jackson and I have also been working on the releasing of our third full-length album called, “In The Silence.” There are a few rough demos of songs that will be on that album if you want a sneak preview. Some other good news is that a Polish radio station is now playing my music. I gave them permission to use all of my songs. I am blown away that these songs are able to get out there as much as they have. May the Lord open the doors for many people to hear them and be brought closer to His throne through them. Also, for any of you die-hard fans, I have uploaded some other unreleased material on my original worship blog:
On the worship blog you can get the chords for most of the songs, read commentary on what was going on when I was writing them, read some thoughts and insights on worship, as well as watch some cool videos. Worship is such a vital part of who we are as Christ-followers. I believe that God created us to have fellowship with us, as well as to receive our praise and worship. Of course, praise and worship can have such a broad definition, but I know that singing and playing music to Him from our heart is precious to Him, on this side of eternity and in heaven.
I am really excited about having all the youth on this project. Since we have been in Poland, my heart has been to help the Polish believers develop their own sound; worship from the Polish heart to the throne of God. So it’s nice that we could translate one of my songs into Polish, but I have been really encouraging this worship team, and other worship leaders and songwriters in Poland to write their own worship music, in their own native language, from their own heart. Our hope is to do this in every nation we are sent to, as well as to integrate different ethnic sounds into our original music. If you are interested in listening to and/or downloading this song as an mp3, please look to the right sidebar on this missions blog and you will find the album, “Dzięki Ci,” along with other albums I have released. Jackson and I have also been working on the releasing of our third full-length album called, “In The Silence.” There are a few rough demos of songs that will be on that album if you want a sneak preview. Some other good news is that a Polish radio station is now playing my music. I gave them permission to use all of my songs. I am blown away that these songs are able to get out there as much as they have. May the Lord open the doors for many people to hear them and be brought closer to His throne through them. Also, for any of you die-hard fans, I have uploaded some other unreleased material on my original worship blog:
On the worship blog you can get the chords for most of the songs, read commentary on what was going on when I was writing them, read some thoughts and insights on worship, as well as watch some cool videos. Worship is such a vital part of who we are as Christ-followers. I believe that God created us to have fellowship with us, as well as to receive our praise and worship. Of course, praise and worship can have such a broad definition, but I know that singing and playing music to Him from our heart is precious to Him, on this side of eternity and in heaven.
Christian Young
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