Saturday, September 26, 2009.
Jesus Film Outreach in Kaiya
We had a chance to do another Jesus Film outreach this weekend. This time we were to travel to a village called, “Kaiya,” that was well off the beaten path. S.I.M. has been working in this village for the past few years and Tim, a missionary with S.I.M., asked if our team would be willing to come and show the Jesus Film in this village. It was a pleasure to come alongside other fellow missionaries and assist in the work they are doing.
We also did some preaching and testimonies, along with showing the Jesus Film. During the time when Gracia was preaching, the crowd was becoming very belligerent toward the message she was preaching. I went on after her, to preach about creation and God’s plan for them, focusing on His love for them, and they didn’t seem so opposed to the message I gave. We showed the Jesus Film. Then, Victo and Gezani preached a salvation message and gave the opportunity for people to raise their hands to receive Jesus Christ. No one raised there hands and there was more resistance to the gospel. Some of the people from the village even questioned us openly. This is quite a different response than the large group of people who raised their hands to receive Jesus in Guerra, where Jonas was at an outreach last week.
We had already decided to stay the night in tents. I was a little apprehensive, because of the response, but felt better as Tim said that he has stayed overnight with no problem. We slept through the night, woke up, and did some follow up. I guess in three years there have been 5 or 6 converts, which is awesome. Tim and another Mozambiquan are discipling them. We met with these guys in the morning to pray with them, and worship together. Then the chief of the village came by. He seemed friendly enough, but openly told us that he was not interested at all in the message of Jesus. He said that not only is he closed to this message, but those in his village will also be. This could be why everyone was so opposed to the message. He was even saying that Mohammed is Jesus. So the chief is a confused man. Please pray that God would continue to soften his heart, as well as the heart of those in the village, and that the seeds planted through the teaching, testimonies and Jesus film would take root, and that Tim and S.I.M. would continue to see more fruit in their ministry in Kaiya.
We had already decided to stay the night in tents. I was a little apprehensive, because of the response, but felt better as Tim said that he has stayed overnight with no problem. We slept through the night, woke up, and did some follow up. I guess in three years there have been 5 or 6 converts, which is awesome. Tim and another Mozambiquan are discipling them. We met with these guys in the morning to pray with them, and worship together. Then the chief of the village came by. He seemed friendly enough, but openly told us that he was not interested at all in the message of Jesus. He said that not only is he closed to this message, but those in his village will also be. This could be why everyone was so opposed to the message. He was even saying that Mohammed is Jesus. So the chief is a confused man. Please pray that God would continue to soften his heart, as well as the heart of those in the village, and that the seeds planted through the teaching, testimonies and Jesus film would take root, and that Tim and S.I.M. would continue to see more fruit in their ministry in Kaiya.
On a very positive note, Jesse and some of our team walked into the village and led 10 men and 3 children in prayer to ask Jesus Christ into their hearts. Praise the Lord!!! So even though there was no response after the Jesus Film last night, which Jesse says is not the norm, there was fruit the next morning.
Christian Young
On a very positive note, Jesse and some of our team walked into the village and led 10 men and 3 children in prayer to ask Jesus Christ into their hearts. Praise the Lord!!! So even though there was no response after the Jesus Film last night, which Jesse says is not the norm, there was fruit the next morning.
Christian Young
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