Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Dreams and Visions
When Peter stood up to address people present at Pentecost, he said in Acts 2:17-18, “In the last days, God says, ‘I will pour our my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophecy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophecy.’” Peter quotes this from the prophet Joel who was looking forward to what would be happening in the last days, before the time, and perhaps during the time when Jesus returns to the earth. Peter stood up to say these things nearly 2,000 years ago. As we are further along in the last days than at Pentecost, we truly see this happening more and more in our lives as a family, and in the Church, the Bride of Christ.
Every morning, our family gets up and has devotions together before the kids start their home-schooling. During this time, we worship and pray together. It is a very free-flowing time as we let the Spirit of God direct what happens. Because of that, we never know what exactly will happen during this time. Sometimes we just sing one or two songs and each one of us will pray. But often, we will just bask in God’s presence and wait on Him. We wait to hear His voice. We sometimes will be drawn to a certain passage of Scripture that we share with each other. It seems that lately, the Holy Spirit has been giving different people in our family visions and dreams. Our children have been having prophetic visions as well, which is very exciting to us. Once a vision is given and told to the rest, we often spend time waiting on God for an interpretation of the vision.
In this last season, there have been some patterns to these visions. Jordan has had three visions on three separate days during our devotions together. All of them dealt with the same imagery. The first vision she had involved a lion and an eagle. She explained that the eagle was trying to swoop down and take some food that was bad into its’ claws. The lion was trying to grab the food out of its’ claws before it could put the food into its’ mouth, and was telling the eagle that the food was poisoned or bad. In her second vision, there was a trap on the ground, where the same eagle was being tempted to go and get something out of, but the same lion was trying to guard the trap and told the eagle not to go near it as it was dangerous. In her third vision, which actually came this morning, there was a hallway with two rooms on either side of it. In one of the rooms there were good people doing good things that God is pleased with. And in the other room there were bad people doing bad things that God is not pleased with. The same eagle was being tempted by mosquitoes and worms to come into the room that bad things were happening in. The same lion was telling the eagle not to go into that room and not to listen to the mosquitoes and worms. Then Jordan saw another eagle from a far away place coming to assist the eagle that was in the hallway, and was telling it that a partnership between the two of them would not only help the one eagle not to go into the place that wasn’t pleasing to God, and not to fall into the trap, and not to take the poisoned food, but that if a partnership was formed, eggs would be produced from which many offspring would come and fly high into the air. Today we really spent a lot of time waiting for an interpretation for these visions, as we sensed it was pertinent to our lives, and perhaps the life of the church. Again, we don’t feel released to share all of the details of the interpretation, but please know, it does have to do with what is currently happening in our lives and ministry here. A few things we feel led to share about the interpretation, is that the lion represents Jesus, the eagles represent different parts of the body of Christ, the mosquitoes represent sickness, and the worms represent death. These things are grouped together with sin and with things that don’t please God. Some of this vision may be for situations beyond what is happening here.
The rest of us have also been having various visions and words from the Lord as well. Please pray for us, as we test the spirits, and as we continue to pray for wisdom as to how to correctly respond to what the Holy Spirit is revealing to us through dreams and visions. We also pray that the Spirit of God would be poured out upon your lives more and more in these last days, and that dreams and visions would be imparted to you, which would draw you to the feet of Jesus, and which would give you more clarity in your various lives and ministries.
Christian Young
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