Monday, March 23, 2009
Re-Releasing Original Music
My FACEPLANT original music is huge here in Europe! Just kidding. It’s not huge, but the people here in Poland do like it. I have had a chance on a few occasions to play some of it live. My good friend Andrzej also really likes it, and believes in it so much that he has talked me into re-releasing the two albums that have been previously released in America, “Make Me Clean,” and, “Reckless Abandon.” I am re-releasing the CD’s in a more simple fashion, with a picture stamped on the CD’s in a clear jewel case rather than shrink-wrapped with full color covers and such. So it is very inexpensive to be able to do this. We will be taking these CD’s with us across Europe as we hope to do some ministry during our upcoming trip to the U.K. We are also hoping to be able to travel to Latvia in June to partner with some friends from YWAM and play at a large concert-event. We will keep you posted on these developments.
One of the main reasons for the re-releasing of these is that I will be “performing” at two concerts here in Piotrków-Trybunalski that Andrzej and I have been spending a lot of time planning. One will be a smaller concert at the church in mid-April where I will be “head-lining.” The other will be a larger concert at the cultural center in town in mid-May where I will be opening for an awesome evangelical Christian band from Warsaw called, “Euangeliom.” The first concert won’t take much as far as finances go. But I would like to ask you to join me in prayer for the finances to be able to put on the second concert. Andrzej has been very thorough and done a great job at getting the best rates to be able to make this happen. We believe that it will be a great opportunity to do evangelistic outreach among the youth in Piotrków-Trybunalski. This is a rare occurrence, not only in Poland, but especially here in the city that God has brought our family to. We are definitely putting some of our own money towards this, but the whole concert, with promoting it as well, will cost just under $1,000.00 US. Please join us in prayer for the finances to make this chance to share Christ so publically a reality in min-May. If you feel led to give financially to this cause, please email me at: Faceplant4jc@msn.com so that I can walk you through how to do this.
Also, I was able to purchase an awesome program and equipment before we left the States to record new original music onto our lap-top. I am currently in the process of recording and releasing a THIRD FACEPLANT ALBUM. This album will contain songs that have not yet been released on the other two albums, and I hope to have two of my songs translated into Polish on the album: “In The Silence,” and, “Thanks To You.” There will be new band members contributing to this album as well – Polish band members! I hope to have Marta on keyboards, Łukasz on violin and Bogdan on bass guitar. My son, Cho Nas, will join me as well, on another guitar. We hope to have this album released to be able to sell by the second concert in mid-May. We also covet your prayers in this as it takes a lot of time and effort. It is our prayer that God would take this music that has come from my heart, and by His Spirit, use it to draw people here in Poland and in Europe closer to Himself.
Re-Releasing Original Music
My FACEPLANT original music is huge here in Europe! Just kidding. It’s not huge, but the people here in Poland do like it. I have had a chance on a few occasions to play some of it live. My good friend Andrzej also really likes it, and believes in it so much that he has talked me into re-releasing the two albums that have been previously released in America, “Make Me Clean,” and, “Reckless Abandon.” I am re-releasing the CD’s in a more simple fashion, with a picture stamped on the CD’s in a clear jewel case rather than shrink-wrapped with full color covers and such. So it is very inexpensive to be able to do this. We will be taking these CD’s with us across Europe as we hope to do some ministry during our upcoming trip to the U.K. We are also hoping to be able to travel to Latvia in June to partner with some friends from YWAM and play at a large concert-event. We will keep you posted on these developments.
One of the main reasons for the re-releasing of these is that I will be “performing” at two concerts here in Piotrków-Trybunalski that Andrzej and I have been spending a lot of time planning. One will be a smaller concert at the church in mid-April where I will be “head-lining.” The other will be a larger concert at the cultural center in town in mid-May where I will be opening for an awesome evangelical Christian band from Warsaw called, “Euangeliom.” The first concert won’t take much as far as finances go. But I would like to ask you to join me in prayer for the finances to be able to put on the second concert. Andrzej has been very thorough and done a great job at getting the best rates to be able to make this happen. We believe that it will be a great opportunity to do evangelistic outreach among the youth in Piotrków-Trybunalski. This is a rare occurrence, not only in Poland, but especially here in the city that God has brought our family to. We are definitely putting some of our own money towards this, but the whole concert, with promoting it as well, will cost just under $1,000.00 US. Please join us in prayer for the finances to make this chance to share Christ so publically a reality in min-May. If you feel led to give financially to this cause, please email me at: Faceplant4jc@msn.com so that I can walk you through how to do this.
Also, I was able to purchase an awesome program and equipment before we left the States to record new original music onto our lap-top. I am currently in the process of recording and releasing a THIRD FACEPLANT ALBUM. This album will contain songs that have not yet been released on the other two albums, and I hope to have two of my songs translated into Polish on the album: “In The Silence,” and, “Thanks To You.” There will be new band members contributing to this album as well – Polish band members! I hope to have Marta on keyboards, Łukasz on violin and Bogdan on bass guitar. My son, Cho Nas, will join me as well, on another guitar. We hope to have this album released to be able to sell by the second concert in mid-May. We also covet your prayers in this as it takes a lot of time and effort. It is our prayer that God would take this music that has come from my heart, and by His Spirit, use it to draw people here in Poland and in Europe closer to Himself.
Christian Young
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