Tuesday, March 31, 2009
.Trip Across Europe DAY #2We all woke up this morning and were pretty tired. The drive that we made the day before was exhausting and we didn’t get too much sleep as we needed to get up a little early. We got up, packed up, ate breakfast and followed Nick and some students to the Calvary Chapel church in Siegen. We met some staff and students before their daily “devo’s” which started at around 8:25 am. Our family sat in the back row as students from Calvary Chapel Bible College gathered to pray, worship and share from the Scripture. Kata then asked if I would get up to share for 5 to 10 minutes with the students. Of course, I was glad to do so. I shared how we had a mutual friend in Paul Ainslie (and Becca Kaleda) about SkateChurch in Vancouver, Washington, about our call to missions, about our work in Poland, about our future plans for Africa and about our heart for the unreached people groups. I shared with them from Romans 15:20 where Paul says, “I make it my aim to preach the gospel where Christ is not named lest I build on another man’s foundation.”
Afterward, we met more lovely students and staff, both from the U.S. and from elsewhere. We cruised over to the coffee shop that Calvary Chapel runs to get an espresso drink to go as we needed to hit the road to make it to the U.K. by afternoon. Two girls talked with us for a while at the coffee shop. Both of them were German; Michelle and Enis (sp?). They are both really neat women of God. We talked with them for a while and encouraged each other in the faith. I felt led to give Michelle a copy of one of mu CD’s. She was thankful for it. I told Enis I would give her one, as well, when we came back through next week. Our hope is to stay next Tuesday night, and, Lord willing, lead worship for the small group (made up of Bible college students) that meets weekly at Nick and Jessie’s house.
Christian Young
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