Fremont, California
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Bay Area International Ministry - INDIA
The Lord is both breaking and stirring my heart for the people

So today I was able to connect with Pastor Samuel from Christ Church of India here in San Jose. I was able to share with him my heart to bring Bibles to the unreached people groups in India. He told me about their bilingual worship services in both San Jose and San Ramon and also informed me that their church will have a booth at the upcoming India Festival in Fremont this weekend. I am excited to visit their church and to meet with Bennett, their outreach coordinator this Saturday at the India Festival.
I have just been wrecked in the presence of God as I have interceded for the people of India both overseas and here in the Bay Area. I just sense that I am to use this time that I have no work here to surround myself with the precious people of India locally, learning more about their cultures and languages. I felt led by Holy Spirit today to take my 2001 Honda Shadow which I have named. "Elijah" (I want to go in the spirit and power of Elijah as John the Baptist did, hopefully paving the way for the King Jesus to enter the lives of many people from India) and ride to Fremont (which has a huge Indian population) to pray and intercede for the people of India. I have to watch my budget because I have such little income, so for six bucks to fill up the gas tank on the motorcycle and for two bucks a cup of tea, I was able to sit in Chaat Bhavan Indian restaurant, listen to the different Indian languages I was surrounded by, and simply pray. Thank you so much, Jesus, for continuing to stir my heart for the people of India and for giving me clarity and direction during this time. Amen!
Christian Young
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