Friday, November 4, 2011
Ministry in San Jose and Yaxja
took our team back to the village of San Jose yesterday to minister
where we had made contact with the Maya Itza people the previous day on
our scouting trip. There was a huge political thing going in in the
center of town when we arrived. We walked up the very steep street to
Rejenaldo's house. Right as we arrived a torrential downpour of rain
came. As the rain tapered off we all went to visit other homes in San Jose. The small team that I was on prayed for two ladies in one house; one who had knee
and back pain, the other had a lot of pain in her head...both were
healed. We shared the gospel with them as well. Then the lady who was
healed of the pain in her head led us to her home where we prayed for
her two daughters and grandson. God's healing power was present and I
could literally feel waves of magnetic heat leaving my hand as they
received healing. We also explained the need for a personal relationship
with Jesus Christ with them.

a small group of us traveled with a Guatemalan evangelist named Freddy
to the village of Yaxja. On the way we spotted a man laying down on the
side of the road who ended up being demon-possessed as we stopped to see
how we could help him. Then we drove on to Yaxja where we stopped and
led three young men to Christ. Then we found a house where a man was
suffering from an extreme tooth ache. We prayed for him and his family. I
gave his three daughters some toys that our children had picked out of
their collection for me to bring to Latin America and give away to poor
children. They were so grateful and the man's wife prayed to receive
Christian Young

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