Thursday, October
Two Villages Touched by the Finger of God
Mexico City our Iris Latin America team drove two days to Actopan in
Veracruz, with some major run-ins with the police along the way who
wanted to pull our caravan over on numerous occasions and take our
money. Even with these kinds of inconveniences, we set our faces like
flint toward our destiny to bring God’s love, glory and revival
throughout all of Central and South America.

arrived in Actopan on the day of a major fiesta celebrating Saint
Francis of Assisi. Although we were tired from maneuvering our RVs and
pop-up trailers down narrow gravel roads and setting them up in our
hosts’ covered patio area, we wanted to join in the festivities…of
course, we celebrate Jesus and the freedom that He brings, so in this
very vein Jesse, Breck, Taylor, Ben, Rose, Liz and I went to the center
of town where we saw a crazy crowd of people chasing and being chased by
a hand crafted bull carried by joyous Mexicans. As if that wasn’t
enough of a spectacle, the bull had fireworks attached to it and sparks
were shooting out onto all the people who were being chased by this
bull. So what does the only group of white people do in a situation like
this? Start chasing the bull, of course! The Mexicans went crazy and started
cheering us on. At the first chance that we had, we grabbed a hold of
the bull ourselves, put it on our shoulders and began chasing the crowd.
They loved it, cheered us on and each of us guys had a chance to take
the bull and chase people. On top of this, people were lighting
fireworks all around us and the fireworks themselves were chasing
people, which is pretty dangerous I must admit….so dangerous that Taylor
ended up getting his finger burnt by one of them.
The Village of Chicuasen
first full day that we spent in the Actopan area we visited two
separate villages. The first village that we went to was the village of
Chicuasen. Our team went door to door inviting people to a meeting we
were to hold at 1pm. We visited people’s homes ,
prayed for the sick, and even led many to Christ before the service
even started. One Mexican from the local church and I went to pray for a man that was completely blind in one eye and could barely see out of
the other eye. After we had prayed three times for him, he began to see
out of the blind eye, enough to follow my hand as I moved it, and then
could see perfectly out of the other eye. What an amazing miracle! As
the people gathered for the service at Paco’s house, our team played
games with the children in the front yard. They were all so full of joy!
Then we started our service off with a special treat. The men on our
team have been so heavily influenced by Nacho Libre and Mexican
wrestling that we have all bought luchador masks. We performed a sweet
drama about a wrestler (played by myself) whose tag-team partner is Jesus Christ (played by Ted). Three other luchadors came in to wrestle me; sin
(played by Ben), sickness (played by Taylor) and the religious spirit
(played by Breck). I kept being overcome by these wrestlers all the
while Jesus is sticking out His hand for me to tag Him and let Him fight
for me. Finally, after getting beat up pretty badly, I slapped Jesus’
hand and he beat up and overcame sin, sickness and the religious spirit.
The courtyard was packed with adults and children who loved our skit. I
explained the more of the meaning behind the skit. Then Jesse explained
the gospel even further. Nearly everyone present raised their hands to
make a first-time decision to have a personal relationship with Jesus
Christ, which was about 50 people altogether. Then we had prayer for the
sick. Many were healed.
The Village of Coyolillo
ministering in the first village, we drove another 40 minutes to a
second village called Coyolillo where we heard that the villagers there
were black. Come to find out upon arrival, they just had darker skin
than in other villages. We also noticed that many of them had blue or
green eyes. We had heard that there were witch doctors in the village
and we could definitely feel a spiritual heaviness as we took the same
approach as in the previous village by going door to door, praying for
the sick and inviting everyone to a meeting that we were to hold at 7pm
at the Salon Social. The team that I was on prayed for a man’s back and
leg to be healed. He was completely healed and ended up coming to the
meeting. At the meeting there was a time of worship followed by our
luchador drama, which we are perfecting as time goes by. This time Rowan
played the part of Jesus. Again, the skit went over well. The people
loved it. Breck preached the gospel afterwards, Gillian gave a testimony
of healing and Jesse gave an altar call where about 15 people entered
into a personal relationship with Christ. Tons more came forward for
healing, too. The service continued on into the night as the Holy Spirit
was poured out in that place. As we all sat around the dinner table
that evening to share a meal together, I pondered the day’s events and
knew that beyond a shadow of a doubt that two villages had been touched
by the finger of God.
Christian Young

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