Friday, August 5, 2011
Successful Iris Relief Japan 3rd Response
Yonnie is leaving tomorrow morning which leaves only Jonas and I here in Japan as our Iris Relief 3rd Response team has all left on flights to their various home nations. We had a very international team this time from eight different nations; United States, Taiwan, England, Scotland, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan.
Our team spent it's last day in the Sendai area on the coast in Takayama interceding for Japan. I was talking to Jeremy, who is the pastor of Arise Church in Sendai, and he mentioned that since the Iris Response 1st Response team until now, they have given away nearly 300 Bibles. That is cool enough in itself, but what is even more amazing is that we only give those Bibles away to people who receive Christ. So it is an amazing phenomenon that just from our Iris Relief efforts since the earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011 so many people have come to Christ. Not only that, but we have seen many healings; physical, emotional and spiritual, as well as words of knowledge and prophetic words spoken. We sat with the people in the shelters, temporary houses and on the streets and listened to their heart-breaking stories, weeping with them and loving them. We've been able to throw parties, feed and clothe tsunami victims, and play games with their children. For our first official Iris Relief effort, I can't see how it could've been any more successful.
At this very moment, Iris Relief is mobilizing a team from Mozambique to respond to the famine in the horn of Africa. As we continue to near Christ's return, it seems as though these types of natural disasters will continue to increase. What will our response be? Will our hearts break for the hurting and disenfranchised? And will this compassion move us to action? What does love look like after such natural disasters? As Iris Relief, we hope to be able to respond to such disasters. We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus to everyone, especially to the poor and hurting. Thank you for all of your support of us in our endeavors to be Jesus with skin on in the face of such devastation.
Jonas and I are taking this few days here in Japan together to pray more and spend time with the beautiful Christ-followers in Sano City. We are now staying at Mrs. Nakamura's house, which is a traditional japanese-style house. It makes us feel like we are on the movie set of "The Last Samurai." The other day we went swimming at a huge pool and raced down giant water slides. Yesterday we had a BBQ at Mike and Rachel's house. Today I helped Issei construct a carport to protect their motorcycle and bibcycle from the weather. Tonight we will go see the fireworks with Naga, Sam, Issei and Mrs. Nakamura. Tomorrow Jonas and I will join the worship team at Sano Revival Center; Jonas on electric guitar and me on bass guitar. Then on Monday we leave for Tokyo to catch our flight back to the U.S. This has been an amazing journey.
Yonnie and I have been talking with Mike and Rachel about what a permanent Iris presence in Japan will look like. There are thousands of completely unreached cities and villages in Japan. Please join us in praying for more Spirit-filled Christ-followers to be called to come to Japan and work as full-time missionaries. "The harvest is truly plentiful, but the laborers are few." And please continue to pray for the beautiful nation of Japan. Blessings on you all!
Christian Young
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