Sunday, July 24, 2011
"Compelled By Love" Conference
"I really feel that on the first two response teams we were scratching the surface, but that on this third response team we are going to be staking the ground," Yonnie told me in a Blackberry instant message from Taiwan before we left for Japan where her and I would lead the Iris Relief 3rd Response Team. Yonnie hit the nail on the head. When disaster strikes we go into emergency mode, doing all that we can as missionaries to allieviate suffering and help the hurting. At the end of our last relief trip, Yonnie and I, along with Mike from Sano Revival Center felt as though it was time to pass the mantle on to the Japanese Christ-followers in continuing with the tsunami relief efforts here in Japan. So we decided to put on a conference called, "Compelled By Love," where we would activate the Japanese believers to do this very thing.

We just finished our conference and let me just say, the Holy Spirit tsunami that swept through during the weekend impacted the lives of all who were present. People came from all over Japan, some as far as a 13 hour train ride.
On Day #1 we had four sessions. Yonnie and I started off the first session by introducing Iris Ministries and speaking about what took place on the previous relief teams. After a lunch break, I laid the foundation of love during the second session, focusing on being moved with compassion for the least of these. At the end of that session, we all got on the floor and asked for God to "give us eyes to see" the least of these as He sees them. Then at the third session, Yonnie, Anne (from St. Stephens Society with Jackie Pullinger) and I shared stories of operating in the signs and wonders, stirring up faith for even greater things. We prayed for many at the end of that session. Some were baptized in the Holy Spirit, receiving tongues. We also saw healings and words of knowledge. Our team ministered throughout the day to those at the conference. Then after dinner, Yonnie took the fourth session and spoke on the Father heart of God. It is so key that as an Asian, Yonnie shared about this. The Japanese people can relate to her personal testimonies of the pressures of having a performance oreinted earthly father. At the end of that session, Yonnie, Anne and I stood up front and revealed the Father heart of God to those who came forward by hugging them and keeping them in our embrace. One Japanese man began to weep profusely as I held him in my embrace and spoke words of love and acceptance over him.

On Day #2 there was the Sunday service at Sano Revival Center during the morning. Yonnie spoke on dreams that have been lost or forgotten. At the end of the church service I prayed over those gathered as Father God would speak to His sons and daughters. It was a powerful time. Then our team came forward with words of knowledge concerning dreams within those present that had been lost or forgotten. Many came forward in response to the words and our team ministered to them, praying for them and prophesying over them. After lunch during the fifth and sixth sessions we activated the Japanese who attended the conference in healing and words of knowledge. As I looked around and saw the Japanese praying for one another and getting more experience in walking in the supernatural, I realized that what Yonnie had said to me about staking the ground was coming to pass. We ended the conference with a giant fire-love tunnel where everyone came through and got blasted by Holy Spirit as our team laid hands on them. One lady's hands were completely healed and were covered in gold dust as she began to play the piano once again after years of not being able to. What an amazing weekend we had at the "Compelled By Love" conference.
Christian Young
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