Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Sharing About our Travels at Heritage Church
had forwarded me a few emails of a guy named David Devine who had known
his family when he was in school many years ago. I think that the
Devines have been able to keep up with our journeys in Mozambique
through Jesse and Tanya's email updates. Anyway, we had received an
invitation to come and share about our missionary journeys at the
Devines' church and we accepted the invitation.
we drove to Deer Island to have dinner with the Devine family at their
home. Being the honest guy that I am, I'll tell you that we were already
running about 20 minutes behind to dinner, and I had never driven those
roads before. As I was trying to read our GPS to stay on the right
roads, I wasn't paying attention to the speed limits and as I looked up
saw the lights of a police car flashing in the rear view mirror. You
have to know, I haven't had a speeding ticket for over 15 years now. But
the very nice officer said that I was going 17 mph over the speed
limit. He asked where we were going. I told him that we were
missionaries and going to speak at a church. He took my information to
his car. When he came back he asked if I wanted tithe to the city of
Rainier. I chuckled and said, "no." He just gave me a warning and let us
go. I think he was probably a believer. We thanked God for His favor in
spite of my carelessness and made it 30 minutes late to dinner.
dinner, we headed back to Rainier and made it to Heritage Church. It is
a small church that rents a building from a Russian Pentecostal Church.
We already knew going into this that it was a more traiditional church
than we are used to. The people were so warm and gracious. I played and
sang, "Thanks To You," as I felt it was the way the Spirit of God was
leading. We showed the edited version of "The Road To Tanzania." Then
Jesse, Tanya and I shared about our missionary journeys. We could see
the faith being stirred up in the hearers as we shared about all the
miracles we saw God do in Mozambique. There was a question and answer
time. Jesse prayed for the congregation. Then we had a time of
fellowship afterwards where we continued to elaborate on our experiences
and encourage the local believers. We also received some financial
support from the church, which we never ask for; yet God provides for
we were leaving, David asked if we could pray for his sons; one of
which was suffering with diabetes and rheumetoid arthritis, the other
who wanted prayer for God's direction in his life. Jesse, Tanya and I
laid hands on the boys and prayed for them. I believe that God had
stirred up faith in David to ask us to pray for them. I haven't heard
from them, but I am believing for a complete healing in their son. God
is so good. It is so much fun to testify of the marvelous things we
continue to see God do in and through our lives as missionaries.
Christian Young
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