Friday, May 7, 2010
Outreach in Cimotoka
Today we went to a village named Cimotoka, but also known as Cigalimoto, which in the Chichewa language of Malawi means, “car.” This outreach, our friend Kevin came with us and brought his truck. So we were able to bring more people with us this time.
We started out the outreach with singing and dancing until it got dark enough to show the Jesus film. Cigalimoto is a small village so I’m pretty sure that nearly everybody from the village showed up in time for the film. We showed the film, ate our sweet potatoes for dinner, and got ready to give an altar call.
My dad first got up and asked if anyone wanted to receive Jesus. At first, people were nervous, but then some women, children and young men came up to receive Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.
After this we asked people if they would like to come for healing. One woman’s pain in her stomach left her and another was healed from Malaria.
The village received us well. We packed up all of our equipment and drove off into the cold, African night, looking up at the Milky Way.
Jonas Young
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