Friday, April 23, 2010
Outreach in N’Tuile
The rainy season has ended and the dry season has come. This means that we are entering a season of intense evangelical outreach in the villages of northern Niassa province. N’Tuile is a village three villages north of Assumane, where they have been asking us since last year to come and show the Jesus film. There is a river right before you enter the village, and they just finished building a bridge across it that cars can travel on. Before, we would just ride or walk our motorbikes through the river to get there.
When Jesse first got saved, he entered a program called the B.A.D.D. organization that takes in troubled youth and disciples them. Jesse was with bad for three years, traveling across America, doing break dancing and sharing the gospel of Christ as part of their discipleship. A couple named Dominic and Debbie are the leaders of B.A.D.D., and are like spiritual parents to Jesse. Jesse and Tanya have had it on their heart to invite them to come to Mozambique for a while now. God gave them the desires of their heart as Dominic and Debbie arrived last week for a two week visit.
Dominic and Debbie accompanied us on the outreach, along with a group of our Mozambican missionaries and evangelists. Among other ministries that they have been involved in since their arrival here in Lichinga, Debbie has been training the Mozambicans how to do puppets and ventriloquism. This is the first time we have done puppets on an outreach and let me tell, the children present at the outreach were mesmerized. Debbie and the crew did such a wonderful job. We got their during daylight hours so we could have a children’s program. Along with the puppets and ventriloquism, they had skits and Victo even did a really cool “magic” trick. After the children’s program, close to 100 children raised their hands and prayed to receive Christ. Praise God!
We then had dancing, testimonies and preaching from our Mozambican team and quite a few more received Christ as well. Then we went in to the Jesus film. After the film, we had a time of prayer where people came forward for healing. I personally witnessed a lady receive her hearing after having hearing loss for three years as well as a man whose back was injured be completely healed (actually felt the muscles in his back being healed under my hands). It was a very successful Jesus film outreach, but almost didn’t happen because when we first arrived, the chief told us to leave, because a child was close to death in the village. They didn’t want us praying for the child after we offered, and we told them we didn’t know when we could return to show the film. He finally changed his mind and let us go on with the evangelism. N’Tuile is adjacent to Mount Mbuepa where the Yao people go to worship the spirits of their ancestors and demonic spirits. There is even a large demonic spirit that manifests itself as a dragon and has actually swooped down and burned many Yao homes to a crisp (Weird stuff happens out here). Anyway, the enemy tried to shut us down but the Lord prevailed and heaven and earth are both different because of it. I will write more about this stronghold and mountain in a another blog post.
There is an Anglican church in the village of N’Tuile. We have found that most Anglican and Catholic churches here in the Niassa province are void of any born-again believers; only people who practice ritualistic religion. Yet this night, the Lord gave me favor with the pastor of the Anglican church and I sat next to him the entire evening explaining what we were seeing on the Jesus film together. It was an amazing divine appointment. We hope to disciple him, making sure he is born-again and Spirit-filled, so that he can continue the work of God’s Kingdom in the village.
Christian Young
Outreach in N’Tuile
The rainy season has ended and the dry season has come. This means that we are entering a season of intense evangelical outreach in the villages of northern Niassa province. N’Tuile is a village three villages north of Assumane, where they have been asking us since last year to come and show the Jesus film. There is a river right before you enter the village, and they just finished building a bridge across it that cars can travel on. Before, we would just ride or walk our motorbikes through the river to get there.
When Jesse first got saved, he entered a program called the B.A.D.D. organization that takes in troubled youth and disciples them. Jesse was with bad for three years, traveling across America, doing break dancing and sharing the gospel of Christ as part of their discipleship. A couple named Dominic and Debbie are the leaders of B.A.D.D., and are like spiritual parents to Jesse. Jesse and Tanya have had it on their heart to invite them to come to Mozambique for a while now. God gave them the desires of their heart as Dominic and Debbie arrived last week for a two week visit.
Dominic and Debbie accompanied us on the outreach, along with a group of our Mozambican missionaries and evangelists. Among other ministries that they have been involved in since their arrival here in Lichinga, Debbie has been training the Mozambicans how to do puppets and ventriloquism. This is the first time we have done puppets on an outreach and let me tell, the children present at the outreach were mesmerized. Debbie and the crew did such a wonderful job. We got their during daylight hours so we could have a children’s program. Along with the puppets and ventriloquism, they had skits and Victo even did a really cool “magic” trick. After the children’s program, close to 100 children raised their hands and prayed to receive Christ. Praise God!
We then had dancing, testimonies and preaching from our Mozambican team and quite a few more received Christ as well. Then we went in to the Jesus film. After the film, we had a time of prayer where people came forward for healing. I personally witnessed a lady receive her hearing after having hearing loss for three years as well as a man whose back was injured be completely healed (actually felt the muscles in his back being healed under my hands). It was a very successful Jesus film outreach, but almost didn’t happen because when we first arrived, the chief told us to leave, because a child was close to death in the village. They didn’t want us praying for the child after we offered, and we told them we didn’t know when we could return to show the film. He finally changed his mind and let us go on with the evangelism. N’Tuile is adjacent to Mount Mbuepa where the Yao people go to worship the spirits of their ancestors and demonic spirits. There is even a large demonic spirit that manifests itself as a dragon and has actually swooped down and burned many Yao homes to a crisp (Weird stuff happens out here). Anyway, the enemy tried to shut us down but the Lord prevailed and heaven and earth are both different because of it. I will write more about this stronghold and mountain in a another blog post.
There is an Anglican church in the village of N’Tuile. We have found that most Anglican and Catholic churches here in the Niassa province are void of any born-again believers; only people who practice ritualistic religion. Yet this night, the Lord gave me favor with the pastor of the Anglican church and I sat next to him the entire evening explaining what we were seeing on the Jesus film together. It was an amazing divine appointment. We hope to disciple him, making sure he is born-again and Spirit-filled, so that he can continue the work of God’s Kingdom in the village.
Christian Young
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