Monday, December 21, 2009
A Christmas Message
Had a Christmas service today at the church in Assumane. It was a wonderful time of celebration. It is a wondrous sound, hearing the Yao believers singing praises to their Savior, Jesus Christ. I gave the message today out of Matthew 1:18 - 2:16 and told the story of Jesus’ birth. I also talked about how Satan, through king Herod, wanted to come after and kill Jesus after he had heard of his birth, and talked about the similarity of how Satan also tries to come after us and kill Jesus in us after we give our lives to follow Him. 1 Peter 5:8 says, “the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” I had some volunteers come forward and play the part of the lion and the animals the lion hunts, showing that the lion waits for the weaker animals to stray from the herd and chooses them as its’ prey. We talked about straying from God and from the body of Christ. I talked about how many times after conversion, problems arise in life, or we get persecuted from others, and that the enemy often whispers into our ears, “See, things were better when you weren’t following Christ. Go back to your sins and it will all be better.” We had a time of prayer where people were given opportunity to return to Jesus who came to the earth as a man many years ago. There was more singing and worship.
After the service, those who were present, which was about 140 children and 30 adults, walked together to Phineas’ house where some of the IRIS missionaries, especially Rachel and Melissa, had planned a Christmas party for the church. There were games, chicken and rice, bottles of soda and then at the end, balloons given away as the people left. It was a wonderful time. Rachel’s church back in England funded this party, and the people were so happy. This was our Christmas celebration here in the village of Assumane as a church.
Christian Young
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