Sunday, November 15, 2009
Guitar Lessons With Adelino
When we first came to Pemba, one of the first people Jesse and Tanya introduced me to was Adelino. He kind of reminds me of myself. He was pretty quiet and shy when we first talked to each other. He’s also extremely humble and kind.
One day I saw him going up to look if someone else was at the gate of our housing compound. I knew Jesse and Tanya were at the house and that Adelino would like to talk to them, so I asked him if he would like to come.
Well, he ended up staying the whole afternoon at our house and we watched a movie, sat and talked. Then the thing that really connected us was when my dad brought out the guitar. My dad started teaching him guitar that night and he had the most joy I’ve ever seen on anyone’s face in my life! From here on out, almost every day I’ve been teaching him guitar and just investing in our relationship. This has been my main ministry while I’ve been here, and I really enjoy it.
Well, he ended up staying the whole afternoon at our house and we watched a movie, sat and talked. Then the thing that really connected us was when my dad brought out the guitar. My dad started teaching him guitar that night and he had the most joy I’ve ever seen on anyone’s face in my life! From here on out, almost every day I’ve been teaching him guitar and just investing in our relationship. This has been my main ministry while I’ve been here, and I really enjoy it.
Jonas Young
The Bayobab Fruit and Paulo
Hello! My name is Jordan. Now here in Pemba I’ve seen these fat trees. On them are a fruit called “Bayobab fruits.” Now every once in a while they’ll bang on the top of the roof. It sounds like a hammer!
One time we were talking to our friend, Antoinette, and she said that these fruits are edible. At that time, [I was told by my parents that] we couldn’t eat them. When along came Paulo, an African boy who likes to come and play with us. [Sadly, Paulo’s mother just died a few weeks ago and he has come to live at the children’s center here in Pemba. He is ten years old, yet very small for his age, with a bloated tummy and a very bad skin condition] He took this hard fruit and..tap, tap, bang! Tap, tap, bang! He banged the fruit on the cement. Crack! Smoke like debris came out. Orange-ish, brown-ish fruits that looked like orange slices laid inside. Paulo picked one up, snapped a piece off and popped it in his mouth. Suck, suck, suck.
We asked [our parents] if we could at least have one fruit. [They] said yes and they tasted sour. Later, Paulo wanted to swing on the swing outside. We did, and we spent the rest of the afternoon together.
The Bayobab Fruit and Paulo
Hello! My name is Jordan. Now here in Pemba I’ve seen these fat trees. On them are a fruit called “Bayobab fruits.” Now every once in a while they’ll bang on the top of the roof. It sounds like a hammer!
One time we were talking to our friend, Antoinette, and she said that these fruits are edible. At that time, [I was told by my parents that] we couldn’t eat them. When along came Paulo, an African boy who likes to come and play with us. [Sadly, Paulo’s mother just died a few weeks ago and he has come to live at the children’s center here in Pemba. He is ten years old, yet very small for his age, with a bloated tummy and a very bad skin condition] He took this hard fruit and..tap, tap, bang! Tap, tap, bang! He banged the fruit on the cement. Crack! Smoke like debris came out. Orange-ish, brown-ish fruits that looked like orange slices laid inside. Paulo picked one up, snapped a piece off and popped it in his mouth. Suck, suck, suck.
We asked [our parents] if we could at least have one fruit. [They] said yes and they tasted sour. Later, Paulo wanted to swing on the swing outside. We did, and we spent the rest of the afternoon together.
The Bayobab Frutes and Paulo
Hi, my name is Justine. Often, I see Big trees with Interesting frutes on it. They are called Bayobab frutes. Along came a boy named Paulo. He cracked it open!! He also ate one. We did too. They taste like candy.
The Bayobab Frutes and Paulo
Hi, my name is Justine. Often, I see Big trees with Interesting frutes on it. They are called Bayobab frutes. Along came a boy named Paulo. He cracked it open!! He also ate one. We did too. They taste like candy.
Justine Young
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