Sunday, October 4, 2009
“Transformacao” Leadership Conference
Part of our ministry here at the IRIS base in Lichinga is ministering at the Bible School which has been recently constructed. Jesse and the other missionaries have held a couple of three-day leadership conferences at the Bible School over the past couple of months. Men who have received Jesus and who have leadership potential from the Yao villages where works have been started Jesse and Tanya are invited to these conferences. Jesse and I prayed through and planned this conference, which we felt led to give the theme, “Transformacao,” which is Portuguese for transformation. Tanya, Jesse and I made the invitations and Jesse and Gezani rode motorbikes to the villages to distribute them.
The conference started on Thursday evening and ended last night. There were a total of 11 men from 6 different villages. Sessions started on Friday morning. We had wonderful times of worship and prayer together before the teachings began each time. I taught the first session, which had to do with refracting the glory of God in a way unique to the Yao people. Then, the men went to Assumane, going house to house, inviting people from the village to the outreach we were to do on Saturday night and to church on Sunday morning. Then, Tyren, another missionary taught the second session on the love of God. There was a break and then I taught the third session on the church and on how the body of Christ was intended to function. Then, after dinner, we set up the generator and projector at the Bible School and showed the film, “Passion of the Christ” to the men. We were able to get feedback on their thoughts about the film, which had a big impact upon them.
On Saturday morning, Peter taught the fourth session and focused on God’s plan for marriage and inter-relationships between husbands and wives. Then, the men practiced a drama that they were to perform at the outreach in Assumane. After lunch, Jesse taught the fifth session on the Great Commission. Then the guys loaded the truck and headed to Assumane for the Jesus Film outreach. It was a wonderful time of singing, dancing, preaching, healing and showing the film. The kids were able to make it, too, because Assumane is so close to our home. Even before the film began about thirty people raised their hands to receive Jesus after Victo gave an altar call. Jesse and I also prayed for a man with a toothache and he was healed. Praise the Lord!

On Saturday morning, Peter taught the fourth session and focused on God’s plan for marriage and inter-relationships between husbands and wives. Then, the men practiced a drama that they were to perform at the outreach in Assumane. After lunch, Jesse taught the fifth session on the Great Commission. Then the guys loaded the truck and headed to Assumane for the Jesus Film outreach. It was a wonderful time of singing, dancing, preaching, healing and showing the film. The kids were able to make it, too, because Assumane is so close to our home. Even before the film began about thirty people raised their hands to receive Jesus after Victo gave an altar call. Jesse and I also prayed for a man with a toothache and he was healed. Praise the Lord!
There was a great response from the men who attended the conference, even saying that the teachings were “life-changing.” Praise the Lord for this opportunity to raise up leaders who will go out to their villages, leading others to Christ, making disciples, and at some point in the future, plant churches in these unreached Yao villages.
There was a great response from the men who attended the conference, even saying that the teachings were “life-changing.” Praise the Lord for this opportunity to raise up leaders who will go out to their villages, leading others to Christ, making disciples, and at some point in the future, plant churches in these unreached Yao villages.
Christian Young
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