Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Prayer Meeting at the Charismatic Church
A friend of ours from Piotrków-Trybunalski asked if I wanted to get involved in some evangelism and outreach at a charismatic church in Łódź. Łódź is one of the biggest cities in Poland and is more of an industrial city. The church meets in one of these industrial buildings, renting a room twice a week. To be honest, it has been nice getting invitations to speak, sing and do outreach in many of the surrounding cities. So I felt honored to even be asked to do so. Our friend wanted me to meet the pastor of this charismatic church, who is originally from Ukraine, and whose name is Andriew. He is an awesome man of God. It was great to connect with him. The meeting I attended was actually their mid-week prayer meeting. There was a time of prayer, worship, encouragement and an openness to prophetic words. I was asked toward the end of the meeting to get up and share a short testimony, so I did. Of course, when you are in an environment like that, where all of the people are pouring out their hearts to God in the Spirit, it seems that the Holy Spirit brings many impressions, so I was able to share some of them with the church, as well. God is so good. After the meeting, we met with pastor Andriew and began to schedule a time in July when I will come back to Łódź, perhaps share at the Sunday morning meeting, and then with the entire local church body, hit the streets where we will evangelize through music, speaking and praying for people. Thank you God for all of these great opportunities!
Christian Young

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