Thursday, April 23, 2009
First Deliverance We’ve Seen In Poland
So yesterday, during my time of prayer in the morning, I was truly seeking God’s face and asking for some things here in Poland (not for me, but for Poland), and the Lord showed me that I need to enter a time of fasting. It wasn’t really clear how long this fast would be, but along with this came a picture of a light switch being turned on and the words, “This kind only comes out by prayer and fasting.”
Last week, during our prayer time here at church, we had a bit of a problem with one of the six year old children from the church. I guess that while all the kids were playing together downstairs, this six year old was trying to smother and strangle our daughter, Jordan. She wasn’t hurt, but pretty shaken up as she called out for Jonas to help. Jonas pulled him off of her but he wouldn’t stop trying to do this. And that night he continued to talk about just wanting to kill people. I have noticed that there was something “off” when I first saw this boy church. I mean, this isn’t normal at all for children his age to talk like that and act like that. We also know that his mom, a single mother, can’t control him and that he has a huge problem with defiance and disobedience.
I didn’t even find out about this incident until Jordan woke up screaming in the night. She said that something that she couldn’t see grabbed her leg. Right away I sensed an evil spirit in the room. And right away we cast it out of our home. Then she told us about what had happened while they were playing (which is where our kids sleep as well). I connected these two things instantly and decided I must confront the situation and talk to the mother.
His mother was very sorrowful that he had acted this way and apologized. When she confronted him about it, he said that he couldn’t stop the urge to do these things. I have sensed a demonic presence with that boy for a while, but I usually keep silent about such things. Now, though, was the time to talk about it. We decided at the next prayer meeting that we had, that we would spend time praying for the children, and spend time waiting on God for a word about how what to do about her child, whether or not to pray over him, etc.
So last night, we had our prayer meeting together upstairs. I had been fasting all day (I don’t usually share this with people, if I am fasting, but I think it is pertinent to the story) and we began to go into a time of prayer and waiting on God. Right away, God gave me a clear understanding about something that had happened. After our time of waiting on God, a few had shared what God was revealing to them. One person shared that this boy’s name means “warrior that brings joy,” and that the enemy has caught wind of the calling on his life. Another had mentioned that this boy had come to mind as she was studying about Gideon. Another had heard that “God was to be the father of this young man” (Again, this boy’s father left a long time ago and he is raised by his mom). The word that God gave me about this situation, was that at some point, either during his mom’s pregnancy or while he was an infant, one of the parents had said something horrible, either out loud or in their hearts, that was actually a curse on this boy’s life that needed to be broken. As I said this, his mother was in tears and said that she already knew exactly what it was and when it was spoken. Come to find out, the father had said that this child was the son of the anti-Christ. It all made sense. For Satan, “the thief, comes to kill, steal and destroy.” (John 10:10) This boy was displaying behavior evident of such a destroying spirit. We had the mother openly and audibly pray, and break this curse that had been placed on her son.
The next thing to do was pray for the boy. I chose one other man to pray with me over him. As soon as we started talking to the boy, it was evident that the enemy knew that his hold on this boy was being threatened. This other man and I began to talk with him, and then began praying for him. The boy began to become defiant and was out of control. I sensed that I should hold the boy as still as possible as we prayed for him. He kicked and screamed, and had a strength that was not normal for a six year old boy, a demonic strength. His face contorted, he began to sweat profusely, scream, cough, clench his hands as this other man and I began to plead the blood of Jesus over him. I recognized three spirits right away and confronted them: A destroyer spirit, a rebellious spirit and the spirit of anti-Christ, though I believe there were more. We asked the boy what his name was, and he was incoherent. He couldn’t even hear us. We claimed the authority in Jesus Christ that we have over evil spirits and rebuking them, demanding that they leave this boy. We reminded the enemy of the curse that had just been broken. It was a long, hard fight that lasted over an hour and half. I have seen demons come out of people in moments, and sometimes an hour, but this is the longest I’ve seen it take for demonic spirits to retreat. We prayed in English, Polish as well as in tongues. For a while at the end we tried to have the boy say, “Jezusa jest Pan,” which means, “Jesus is Lord.” At first he would open his mouth, and his tongue would move back and forth really fast, like he wanted to say it, but was unable. He also had white spit all around his mouth. It was pretty freaky to say the least. But this other man and I just calmly did what God has called us to do in this situation.
Finally, we had break through. The boy was able to say, “Jezusa jest Pan,” and as soon as he was able to say this, he became completely calm. The demeanor of his face completely changed as if he had just been given the biggest dose of freedom and peace he had ever had. He just sat there as we talked to him. We asked him how he was feeling. He replied that he was feeling all better. I just embraced this boy and thanked Jesus for his deliverance, praying that those demonic spirits would never be able to return to him. We talked to him for a while. As he went upstairs with the other kids, the other adults immediately saw that this boy was different now. We had a time of teaching with his mom.
Praise the Lord that this boy was set free from these evil spirits. Praise the Lord that through the gifts of prophecy and word of knowledge, that a curse was broken in this family’s life. The cool thing is, that we are all doing life together with this family, and this single mom has found a place in this church body and feels very much loved. But please continue to pray for them, as well as the others here in Poland. And please pray for me as well, as I believe that this time of prayer and fasting, wasn’t just to see this young man released from the enemy’s grip. I have recognized some other things here that must be broken in order for revival to take place and for the Spirit of God to have his way here. We covet all of your prayers and love you all so very much.
Christian Young
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