August 2007
First Whipple Creek Church Missions Trip.
I believe that I can speak for the whole team when I say that our missions trip to Piotrkow Trybunalski this summer was a success. You see, at Whipple Creek Church we measure success by changed lives. From the Vacation Bible School our team held to the outreach at the skate park and from the ministry that took place at the local church to the one on one conversations that took place throughout the trip, I believe that lives were impacted for the sake of Jesus Christ. And I am not just talking about the lives of the people of Poland. I know that our team members lives were changed as well. I don't think any of us will be the same after our experience in Poland this summer. Thank you to all those who supported Jonas and I prayerfully and financially...your prayers and money went a long way in Poland this Summer.

What our trip entailed.
Our team ministered in various ways this summer. Much of our ministry took place through a Vacation Bible School that we held for 6 days. One of our team members, Andy Pence, headed up the task of turning our once a week Power House program that we do for Sunday School at Whipple Creek into a once a day occurence for one whole week in 2 languages. To be honest, I wasn't sure how it was going to go, but to all of our amazement, it went very smoothly with a lot of very good response. We had worship, dramas, teaching, crafts and games that were split up into different sessions and in 2 separate age groups. This took place from Monday through Saturday the first week we were there. There were up to 60 children every day for 4 hours of V.B.S. The children came from various places. Some were from the church, some were from the surrounding neighborhoods while many were brought from the orphanages. The response from the children and the care-takers was very positive. We also ministered during the church services on Sunday both at the church in Piotrkow and at one of the village churches outside of town. We were involved in preaching, testimonies and in the worship team. A lot of our ministry took place as our team built relationships with the Polish people. I am sure that every team member has their own stories of these relationships that were built. We were all able to visit poeple's homes for dinner during that first week. We were also able to do some outreach at the skate park in town. Our team was able to do some traveling through Poland during the second week we were there. Pastor Daniel wanted us to get a good picture of what Poland is about if we were to continue to minister there in the future. We visited a coal mine, Czestochowa, old ruins of a castle that was built in the 1300's, Auschwitz, Birknau, Krakow, Stachik's house in the country and Warsaw. Much of our travels through Poland revealed the sad reality that almost the entirety of Poland is Catholic, yet not born again. The focus on Mary rather than on Christ was discouraging to say the least. When thinking about reaching Poland for Christ, it leaves one to think, where do we even start? I suppose we start with the 60 kids that came to V.B.S. in hopes that the gospel message takes root and that 60 less people will be making a pilgrimage to Czestochowa chanting Mary's name in the future. Much of my joy comes from knowing that because of our missions trip this summer, Whipple Creek Church and the Free Evangelical Church in Piotrkow Trybunalski have made a divine connection that will last a lifetime. I know that we will be partnering with them as a church in prayer and in future missions trips. If local churches here in the U.S. would partner up with churches overseas, I believe that Christ's Great Commission could be accomplished more effectilvely. Our team raised money that paid for (1) The lunches for all 60 children during V.B.S. and (2) Materials and labor for a beautiful brick wall to be built in the church's back yard. We also donated a new acoustic guitar and a video projector to the church for ministry use. We were able to spiritually map out Piotrkow Trybunalski with Pastor Daniel and did some prayer-walking while we were there as well. I know that both Brett and I brought our maps back so that we can raise up a team of prayer warriors to pray that God would tear down the principalities and powers that have been oppressing those people for centuries, so that the blindfolds that Satan has placed upon people would be removed (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) and the gospel would then be planted in fertile soil. This is a summary of our trip. Below I am including many of my journal entries so you can get a more full picture of what took place.
August 6, 2007, Monday. Arrived safely in Warsaw on Saturday. Pastor Daniel met us at the airport and we rented a 20 passenger bus to take us to Pietrkow-Trybunalski. Had a good conversation with Pastor Daniel. Went to Tina's Pizza near the church to have a pizza dinner...Sunday morning we had a church service at the Evangelical Church in Piotrkow where we are staying. Mark got up and introduced our team and brought greetings to the church from people back in the States. I got to play guitar in the worship team. I played on the guitar that we got donated from the music store owned by a Christians back in Vancouver. Andy and Lindsey gave their testimonies. I spoke on Samson and Delilah while Pastor Daniel translated. Then we had communion and sang some more. The choruses are familiar American songs with Polish lyrics for the most part. Then we had snacks and fellowship after the service. The team split up into different groups to go visit different people in the church. Jonas, Brennan and I got to visit Andrzej and Kasia. Their children are Jacob and Filip. They have a great family. Then we came back and planned for V.B.S. Brett, Mark and I stayed up late talking. Had our first day of V.B.S. today. Everything went relatively smooth. Started with Power House. I was the song leader and Andy was the story-teller. Jonas, Andrew and Levi were "kid-singers" and helped the Polish children learn "Big House." We had the teaching time, snack, crafts and games. A couple of orphanages brought children. There were probably 25 to 30 young people. There seemed to be a good response. Had lunch. Exchanged our American currency for Polish Zloti's. Had dinner. Went skateboarding around town...We've had a great trip so far. We are making great connections with Pastor Daniel, Mark and Naomi Hale (missionaries here) and others from the church.

August 7, 2007, Tuesday. Had our second day of V.B.S. today. Yesterday we had about 30 children. Today we had well over 50 children. A few of the local orphanages brought children and many of the children from the poorer part of town were invited and came out. We actually met some of those children in town as Pastor Daniel was taking us around. The team is pretty tired as our days have been pretty busy...Everyone seems to be adjusting to the culture and time change at different rates...The children seem to be having a great time at V.B.S. They get into the songs, activities, games and crafts. I gave away FacePlant CD's to Andrzej, Pastor Daniel, Amadeusz, Lukasz, Marta, Daniel and two ladies from the orphanages. Went to the skate park in town with Pastor Daniel and Jonas. Met some young people. We will go back as a group tomorrow to the skate park to skate, play songs on guitar, share a testimony and hope that we can gather a crowd. Went to dinner at Edita's house. Pastor Daniel translated for us. She is a great lady. Her husband started the evangelical church in Piotrkow. Edita radiates Christ's love. There is much evidence of the Holy Spirit's presence in her life.

August 8, 2007, Wednesday. Had an awesome day of ministry today. Had a lot of kids at V.B.S. Bri and Brennan did the Power House time. Brennan and I added a "Mission Impossible" piece to the skit which was a hit. The kids all laughed. Did "Big House" and "If You're Happy And You Know It" for songs. The teachers and care-takers from the orphanages seem to sense something different at the evangelical church...I helped with crafts today. I helped Jessica, the youngest daughter of the missionary couple, make a paper bag puppet of a cow. Had a great talk with Daniel, an 18 year old youth who grew up in the church but who has somewhat back-slidden over the past year. He was very honest about where he was at. I challenged and encouraged him in the Lord. We started having scheduled team meetings this morning. We had breakfast together, shared from God's Word, shared our experiences of visiting different church members' homes and had a time of worship. Our team is enjoying the trip and the ministry here in Poland. I pray we can bring the excitement of what is going on over here back to Vancouver, Washington. I pray that we can continue to work together in unity. After V.B.S. and a nap, our team went to the skate park where we had a chance to do some outreach. When we first got there, there were no skaters. I prayed that God would bring skaters as I believed God had brought our team there for a reason. Shortly after praying, skaters began to flood into the skate park. I skated with them for a while. Talked with some of them. Then I broke out the guitar which quickly gathered a big crowd...probably 20 to 30 skaters and spectators. Played a couple of FacePlant songs. Gave my testimony. Then gave an invite to the evangelical church. Evangelism in Poland seems to be a delicate matter. My hope is that seeds were planted and that the church leaders will continue to connect with these skaters. I seemed to be very well received and "one of them." I felt very much in my element doing outreach at the skate park. The Hales seemed very glad for the outreach. Exchanged email addresses with a lot of the youth afterwards. Stayed until sundown talking and connecting with them. I will continue to pray for them.

August 9, 2007, Thursday. Had a demonic attack last night. My guess is, the enemy was upset after the skate park and retaliated. Was dreaming. Felt the enemy pinning my shoulders to my mattress to where I couldn't move. Then, as I looked up, I could see Brett sleeping out of the corner of my eye. But right on top of me was a demon. It had eyes like a human but sunken in and red around the outside edges of the eyes. It's eyes were moving side to side. It had a green, slimy skin in appearance. It's mouth was large and red with sharp teeth. It was opening and closing its' mouth as though it was speaking, though I couldn't hear a voice. I struggled to find the words but finally rebuked it in the name of Jesus and it departed. Instantly prayed for our team, the church members here, our family, etc. Shared this at the morning meeting (rather reluctantly). V.B.S. was awesome again! Had a midweek Bible study that was more of a time of sharing and worship with the church body. Felt God's presence very strong. Prayed with Brennan. Prayed with Aaron later.
August 10, 2007, Friday. Only slept two hours at the most last night. Aaron, Brennan and Mark all had demonic attacks last night. Kept me up most of the night. Last night at the midweek Bible study, we began to come against the principalities and powers over Piotrkow Trybunalski. I know that because of this, and the V.B.S. ministry and outreach we have been doing, the enemy is angry and retaliating. At our team meeting this morning, we reminded the team that Satan's desire would be for us to focus on him so that he would get the glory. So we have chosen to glorify God and focus on what He is doing...all of the victories. We will just deal with the enemy as we have to. Moved the rails for the fence indoors with Mark this morning. Our team bought materials and labor to construct an awesome brick fence on the church property...Spoke with Marisza, one of Pastor Daniel's English students. Got a chance to witness to her after Brett did...Today was the last regular day of V.B.S. and the teaching was on endurance which I found rather fitting. I think we had a great week of V.B.S....very fruitful. I truly believe that out team members are history makers here in Piotrkow. Jonas, Brennan, Teri and I had dinner at Pastor Daniel's house with his family. They have a lovely family. Daniel and Ania are great. Their are awesome, too...Amadeusz, Lukasz and Marta. We had a blast. Played a game that was new to us called "Jungle Speed." Tomorrow is the culmination of our V.B.S....kind of a "game day" where we will play games, do crafts, roast Kilbasa's and have "s'mores." Thank you, Lord, for using us here in Poland. Of course, my heart is stirred for the nations, as usual. I come alive on the foreign mission field as it is my heart. Can't wait for the day our family finally arrives to the foreign mission field as full-time workers.
August 13, 2007, Monday. Had a great day with the kids on Saturday. They were given bibles at the end and had our team members sign them. Had a debrief meeting with the Hale's in the afternoon. Discussed Whipple Creek coming back to Poland in the future. Sunday morning we had church service here at the church. It went well. Mark and I helped out in the worship team, Bri gave her testimony, and Brett gave the message. Then we had a church service outside of Piotrkow in a village about an hour away. It took place in a living room at an elderly, faithful believer's farm. The kids got pulled on a cart behind a horse. It was a blast. Today we are going to Czestochowa to experience more history about Poland.
August 15, 2007, Wednesday. The latter half of our trip we have been able to travel through Poland to get a better picture of the culture. Ministry has taken place through one on one conversations with some of the church folks who have come with us on these day trips. On Monday we began by visiting a huge coal mine where they mine soft, brown coal. Many people work there and it powers much of the country...Then we drove to Czestochowa and saw the monestary and the Black Madonna. This was an oppressive experience as thousands and thousands of Catholics had flocked there on a pilgrimage. Catholic leaders "blessed" groups that came forward as they chanted songs to the virgin Mary. The sad thing was that they all seemed to have smiles on their faces. Where does one even start in the evangelism of Poland? Pastor Daniel expressed to us during our time in Poland how hard it is to evangelize. Even to lead a child to Christ, or pray with a child for salvation, without a parent's consent or at least understanding has ended with bad results at the church in Piotrkow. Pastor Daniel said that a child they had led to the Lord went back to their Catholic parents, and when the parents found out what had happened, they had a Catholic priest come and try to brain wash the child out of their recent decision to have a personal relationship with Christ. The parents saw it as a change of affiliation and deviation from the "one, true, holy, catholic" church to some other religious sect, rather than a decision for Christ. So it goes here in Poland. Seeds are patiently planted in hopes that entire families would attend church and come to Christ. But I know that God can bring a revival that could stir the people's hearts for Him. Prayer is the key. We are formulating a plan for praying over the surrounding areas to the church here in Piotrkow [as well as around key church leaders residences, orphanages and the skate park]. Praying for the soil to be prepared is a key to this revival, I believe. The heaviness and spirit of oppression is very obvious. Saw some fantastic, intricate craftsmanship in the monastery. The entire time I was there I felt like my head was in a vice. Then we had lunch [at McDonalds] and traveled to some ruins that was once a castle built in the 1300's. It was a great day. Then on Tuesday, we went to Auschwitz and then to Krakow. We spent quite a few hours at Auschwitz and Birkenau as we pondered how something so atrocious could take place in human history. Then traveled to Krakow where we walked around the square and had a nice meal. I bought some souvenirs. It was a long day. Today we slept in, then went to Stachik's house in the country. We played soccer and ultimate Frisbee. Then had a kilbasa roast and saw pictures from the previous week on a slideshow. Said goodbyes to many who we would not see tomorrow. I was in tears for quite a while.
Christian Young
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