Walnut Creek, California
Monday, March 9, 2015
Wednesday, March 4, 2015. Ministry at Berean Christian High School
I got a call from my mom a week ago asking if Cho Nas and I could come and minister at the Wednesday morning chapel at Berean Christian High School for Spiritual Emphasis Week. Cho Nas and I made sure to carve out time in our schedule to be able to do so. We had a wonderful time with a gym packed with high school students. Cho Nas led another amazing set of Spirit-led worship while I was able to share a message. I mostly spoke on honor and what a selfless life looks like. These days I just ask the Lord what He would want me to speak on and most of the time I just go in with a basic direction and let Holy Spirit lead me when I speak without having notes or an outline. I was also able to share about some of our journey as missionaries. It really seemed as though the entire student body was all ears, as well as were the teachers. I pray that seeds were planted and that they would bear eternal fruit.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015. Prayer Meeting at Community Alliance Church
We have been experiencing wonderful times of worship in the presence of the Lord on Wednesday evenings at our local church. There is a rotation of different worship leaders including Cho Nas and I. This last week was my week to lead. We all just follow the Holy Spirit's leading as we engage in focused intercession together.
Saturday, March 7, 2015. Revive Richmond at Green Pastures Independent Faith Church
[Facebook post] Wonderful time in worship, then hitting the streets with Revive Richmond. A dear Hispanic man named Jesus was healed of a back injury. As we laid our hands on him he felt heat in his lower back and declared that he felt better. The gospel is good news, and love always looks like something. Today love looked like healing the sick.

Sunday, March 8, 2015. Experience and Encounter Worship
Services at Community
Alliance Church
Pastor John asked if I could lead worship at both the first
and second service at our home church as he and his wife would be out of town.
I was happy to do so and we experienced the glory of God in both services. In
the second service the Spirit of God led us on an amazing journey of freedom
and ministry during the worship time.
Sunday, March 8, 2015. Supporting the Launching of Arbor Alliance
Normally a handful of us get together on Sunday evenings to
pray and worship together in Richmond.
This Sunday, Pastor Jesse asked if we could all go to Napa
to support another Alliance
church plant. So after the worship services in Richmond,
we all piled into Genesis (the Suburban) and Revelation (the 4Runner) and
headed to wine country in Napa.
Before the worship service we headed to a dog park so the Beemo could
run around and play with other dogs. After that we attending the launching of Arbor Alliance
Church. At the end our
worship team had the chance to pray for their worship leader. We ended the
evening sharing a meal at a pizza place together.
Christian Young