Saturday, May 10, 2014
Genesis - Our New 4X4 Vehicle

the youth subculture and the international community here in Northern California is where we could be witnesses in our "Jerusalem." We also sense that Mexico and the rest of Latin America is our "Judea and Samaria,"as it is the foreign mission field yet still within the Americas. We believe that we will still be traveling as His witnesses to places like Thailand, India, North Africa, Poland and elsewhere which to us is the "ends of the earth." We are already engaging in domestic missions here in our community among the youth subculture and the international community. We will be writing more blog posts as we continue to do so. It looks like the next six year season while my daughters are finishing high school we will be spending much of our time on the foreign mission field reaching the unreached, less-reached, poor and broken of Mexico and Latin America. We have already targeted and located two of these people groups in Mexico alone, and will write other blog posts about those details. But in order to reach these people groups, we knew that we would need to be mobile, and therefore purchase a vehicle a 4X4 vehicle that we could upgrade in order to live out of as well as be able to take it on the treacherous roads through Latin America to reach these people groups. We would also be able to use this vehicle as we minister locally here in Northern California.
So a couple of months ago we began praying into buying a Suburban between the years of 1995 and 1999 that was four wheel drive and had low miles. From our experience on our previous travels through Latin America, we knew that a Suburban is the best vehicle to travel with as parts are more readily available. As I began to search online, most Suburbans that fit that description were priced between $3,000 and $4,500. And most of them listed at those prices had too many miles on them. A few weeks ago I began to press into the Lord harder for a Suburban, but I knew that it would need to be a miracle as I had less than $2,000 from our missions support to buy one. After talking more with my brother Kevin, I decided to pray again and look on Craigslist. The third Suburban I saw listed was a 1997 Chevy K-1500 Suburban 4X4 with the smaller V-8 5.7L engine with only 121,000 miles for $1,900. I figured that there was something wrong with it, it had been in a major accident or it was a misprint. I decided to step out in faith and call the number. When I spoke to the owner I found out that they were trying to leave the state and needed to sell the vehicle asap. He promised that it had a clean title and the vehicle was parked in Vacaville, not too far from our home in Walnut Creek. I scheduled an appointment to go look at it with my dad. After taking out $1,900 from the bank, just in case I felt led by Holy Spirit to buy it, we headed to Vacaville to look at it and take it on a test drive. I inspected the vehicle inside and out and test drove it. Nothing major was wrong with the Suburban and it ran like a champ. I had been praying the entire time we were looking at it and felt like I was to move forward and purchase the vehicle. After getting the bill of sale and pink slip signed over to me, I gave them the money and drove back to Walnut Creek filled with joy at the miracle transaction that had just taken place.
As our tradition has been since working with Jesse and Tanya as missionaries, we felt that we needed to name this new vehicle that we had just purchased. Right away I felt that it should be named, "Genesis." The word "Genesis" means "beginnings," so we have appropriately named our 1997 Chevy Suburban, "Genesis," as we have entered a new chapter in our lives filled with new beginnings. We also believe that "Genesis" will carry us to the remaining unreached people groups of Latin America in this next season, where they will experience new beginnings as they hear and respond to the gospel of Christ's love. "Genesis" seats eight people and has plenty of cargo space still. We already have plans to fit it out for our journeys through Latin America. Some of these modifications we are including below with pictures and pricing in case anyone feels led to give toward this project. We also want to buy one or two dirt bikes to be able to travel to the unreached villages on roads that are inaccessible by car. If you feel led to give toward any of these modifications, please utilize the Paypal button on the upper right hand corner of this blog which will go directly into our "End Times Harvest Ministries" non-profit business account here in the U.S. Thank you all for your partnering with us and for your continued loving support of us as missionaries to the unreached people groups and the darkest places of the world!
.Christian Young
Some of the Modifications Needing to be Made to our 1997 Chevy Suburban:
Kargo Master Safari Roof Rack Basket 52"W X 74"L
Rhino Back Foxwing Awning - Drive Side Mount
Rhino Back Foxwing Awning Extension Piece
Go Industries Rancher Grille Guard
Bulldog 10,000lb Recovery Winch
Rola Moover Hitch Carrier and Ramp
2014 Honda CRF 110F Trail Bike