MATTHEW 24:14, "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be proclaimed in all the world as a witness to all nations. And then the end shall come." PSALM 86:9, "All nations whom You have made shall come and worship before You, O Lord, and shall glorify Your name." REVELATION 5:9, "You are worthy to take the book and to open its seals, for You were slain and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation."
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Monday, March 18, 2013
MICRONESIA 2013 - Pohnpeian X-FILES: Pohnpaip and Palikir
Monday, March 18, 2013
Pohnpeian X-FILES: Pohnpaip
Thousands of
years ago, giants and "sokolei," the Pohnpeian version of leprechauns
were said to have roamed the island of Pohnpei. One of the places that
they populated is Pohnpaip, Madolenihmw. One time the giants got so
upset with the "sokolei" that they threw a giant net over them and
trapped them. This net eventually turned into a giant rock which human
inhabitants later inscribed carvings of kinves and other objects upon,
which is now the modern day Pohnpaip Petroglyphs. When the family who
owns that land showed us around, he brought us to one place on the huge
rock that is hollow. It is said that this is the door to where the
"sokolei" are buried. At night the family says that they hear "ngen
saut" or evil spirits making noise up on the rock not far from their

The Saturday
before last, Herman, Jesse, Tanya, Ben and I traveled to Pohnpaip,
Madolenihmw to pray, repent on behalf of the ancestors and take
communion together. This has become a weekend occasion for our Iris
Micronesia tribe and for Every Home for Christ. The Holy Spirit is
leading us to do this at strategic places of demonic strongholds on the
island Pohnpei, as we know that we must first "bind the strongman
(Satan), before we can plunder his goods (reap a harvest of souls)."
[Matthew 12:29] I am calling these series of blog posts, "Pohnpeian
X-FILES." We all felt the tension at this place as we prayed. Ben even
heard growling nearby. After praying and taking communion, we poured out
the grape juice, representing the blood of Jesus onto the huge rock,
especially on the door where the "sokolei" are said to be buried. That
night, Herman had a waking vision of Pohnpaip, and that very door had
flung open like a coffin. As it opened, a horrible smell, the stench of
hell rose from the grave. Just then the "sokolei" began to try and
escape, but it was then that we took communion together and sealed the
door shut for good, so that the "sokolei" could never again roam around
on the earth.
Pohnpeian X-FILES: Palikir
In a place
where one needs to hike through jungle and across rivers to find, two
large stones can be found that are assumed to be the dwelling place of
two "ghost ladies" named, "Inahs" and "Limodolong." These two ghost
ladies are said to have tormneted the people of Pohnpei, but especially
target the islanders who feel isolated. "Inahs" and "Limodolong" appear
to Pohnpeians as beautiful women dressed in red who seduce their victims
and when they wake up the next morning they are crazy and roam the
streets not in their right mind for the rest of their lives. These two
ghost ladies use the river systems nearby and have even have seduced
youth who were drinking alone near PICS High School.
This last
Saturday, myself, Herman, Jesse, two pastors from the Assemblies of God
and two others whose land these two large two stones reside on made the
hike to this place in Palikir, Sokehs. As we arrived hundreds of bats
flew out of the rocks and filled the skies. It was actually kind of
creepy. We proceeded to pray, repent and take communion together, having
the indigenous Pohnpeians break any curses on the land as it is their
family line that had made former allegiences with these "Inahs" and
"Limodolong." Once again we felt a new freedom in that place where
heaviness once permeated the spiritual atmosphere. This is a ministry of
faith, as we are battling forces that are unseen. We totally believe
that we are bringing new levels of freedom to the island of Pohnpei by
praying at one strategic location at a time.
Christian Young
Sunday, March 17, 2013
MICRONESIA 2013 - Gem from Heaven
HEAVEN. Today while we were editing the last clip of our new Iris
Micronesia informational video about the upcoming Harvest School, this
gem suddenly appeared on the table next to the computer. Looking at the
gem stone up close it is partially rough and partially cut. Maybe it is a
prophetic picture about the nature of Iris Micronesia; some things
being fully formed and perfected while other things are still rough and unfinished.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
MICRONESIA 2013 - Teaching the Youth on Godly Relationships
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Teaching the Youth on Godly Relationships
Every weekend
youth travel from all over Pohnpei to be a part of the Every Home for
Christ youth group in Pohnlangas, Madolenihmw. The Every Home for Christ
leadership has been teaching on godly relationships. They asked if our
Iris Micronesia team could help teach on the subject. We were glad to so
last Saturday night, Jesse and Tanya shared their testimony of how God
brought them together.
I was asked to
continue to share on the subject the following week. The MDMI students
and EHC workers were having a retreat at Nihco Marine park in Sokehs on
Thursday, so Amy asked if I could share on godly relationships that
evening, as I was already planning on camping and spending the night
there with them. After a time of worship I spent a couple of hours
sharing on godly relationships and sexual purity. At times it was
serious, but at other times everyone was laughing so hard I thought they
wouldn't stop laughing. earlier in the week I bought string to make
necklaces and gathered old keys. After walking everyone present through
cutting soul ties, each one made a serious commitment by taking a key on
a necklace which symbolizes the "key to their heart." By taking the key
they all committed themselves to sexual purity, not giving themselves
away to anyone else, and on their wedding night, giving the key to their
future spouse saying, "This is the key to my heart. Tonight I am giving
it to you as I have saved myself for you to this day." It was an
amazing time together.
The following
Saturday I gave the same message to the youth group in Pohnlangas,
Madolenihmw and the youth came and took the keys as well. Amy thought
that the message is so good that I should share it at the College of
Micronesia with the college students this Saturday. I am so glad that
biblical truths on godly relationships, my silly stories and
testimonies and these keys on a necklace can very possibly make a dent
on the youth culture here in Pohnpei where sexual purity and godly
relationships has not been championed.
Christian Young
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
MICRONESIA 2013 - Every Home for Christ Crusade in Nett
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Every Home for Christ Crusade in Nett
an amazing time at the Every Home for Christ crusade in Nett tonight.
Many people came forward for prayer to have an encounter with our Papa
God. What an honor to be able to extend His love and His grace to the
hurting and to the desparate.
Christian Young
Thursday, March 7, 2013
MICRONESIA 2013 - Praying for the Sick
Tuesday, March 7, 2013
Praying for the Sick
feel so blessed to live in a nation that: (1) blesses and stands with
Israel, and (2) allows you to come into their state hospital and pray
for every sick person, no questions asked. Micronesia: Great is your
destiny! Jesse, Tanya, Ben, Jonas and I joined a group of EHC workers
and MDMI students as we traveled from Madolenihmw to the Pohnpei State
Hospital to pray for the sick today. Once again, everyone that we prayed
for received a healing touch from Yeshua.
Christian Young
Friday, March 1, 2013
MICRONESIA 2013 - Praying at the Mysterious Ancient Ruins of Nan Madol
Friday, March 1, 2013
Praying at the Mysterious Ancient Ruins of Nan Madol
[Christian's Facebook from Post 2-26-13] Hey
everyone! We would like to call all prayer warriors and intercessors to
join us as our Iris Micronesia tribe is going to the ruins of Nan Madol
this week to step onto heavenly trading floor on the sea of glass to
trade the blood of Jesus for the blood spilt at this demonic stronghold
where human sacrifices took place. It will be your Wednesday night that
we will be praying and taking communion...
there. Please feel free to spread the word to any and all prayer
networks. This is going to be huge for this island and all of
Micronesia. The indigenous Pohnpeians will be repenting on behalf of the
original inhabitants that committed such atrocities. The demonic
strongholds grip WILL be loosened and Micronesia WILL come to Yeshua! We
declare it! Thank you so much!
[Jesse's Email from 3-1-13] Thank
you all so much for praying. Mission accomplished successfully. We
were aware of the reality of the darkness there before hand from looking
into the recent history of the place. A man filming an episode of
Ghosthunter there had a "Ghost woman" spirit manifest with one large eye
and come and kill him right there on film. Also a team of German
archeologists tryin to excavate where the skeletons of bodies were
burried were all attacked by demons and killed. occurence like these
cause so much of the island to be afraid to even venture near it. It
is an 18 KM wide ancient city built hundreds of years ago be twin
sorcerer brothers. there is no explanation for how they moved some of
the giant stones from the other side of the mountain while building the
city but legend tells that they used demonic powers to fly the large
stone pillars over the mountain. We believe through the act today of
repentance and communion right there at the human sacrifice altar that
the power that invited that stronghold was broken and we are going to
experience the result of the breakthrough by transformation on this
island. It is so needed, just last week a young woman was murdered
here near us and her body found dumped in the forest. But no more of
this! Jesus is declaring His redemption over this island. We will
continue going to some of the other high places on the island and
trading the blood of Christ for the blood of the inocent victims of
human sacrifice and murder.
We so appreciate your prayers. Thank you! The whole atmosphere shifted and from heaviness it turned into freedom and life.
Christian Young
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