Saturday, January 31, 2009
Final Day of Kid’s Club
Well, after a long week, we had our last day of Kid’s Club today. Every day we had between 50 and 70 kids, which I think was a bit more than expected. We let them pick their favorite songs from the week to sing, topping the list was, “Big, Big House.” I put together a video that the kids got to watch (which I hope to have up on our blog here in the next couple of weeks). The older kids made up skits that were performed for the younger kids. Then, at the end, the kids got to choose some gifts to bring with them back to their homes (or to the orphanages). It was a great week. I am sure that many seeds were planted. I still think back to earlier in the week when I was teaching the older kids’ class. They were being a little restless until I said one thing, “You will probably hear God say this to you when you die: ‘What did you do with my Son, Jesus Christ?’” At that moment you could have heard a pin drop. I know that these young people have been listening. May the seeds that have been planted bear much fruit that remains. And may they hang on to the love of Christ we’ve been able to display to them in so many ways.
Final Day of Kid’s Club
Well, after a long week, we had our last day of Kid’s Club today. Every day we had between 50 and 70 kids, which I think was a bit more than expected. We let them pick their favorite songs from the week to sing, topping the list was, “Big, Big House.” I put together a video that the kids got to watch (which I hope to have up on our blog here in the next couple of weeks). The older kids made up skits that were performed for the younger kids. Then, at the end, the kids got to choose some gifts to bring with them back to their homes (or to the orphanages). It was a great week. I am sure that many seeds were planted. I still think back to earlier in the week when I was teaching the older kids’ class. They were being a little restless until I said one thing, “You will probably hear God say this to you when you die: ‘What did you do with my Son, Jesus Christ?’” At that moment you could have heard a pin drop. I know that these young people have been listening. May the seeds that have been planted bear much fruit that remains. And may they hang on to the love of Christ we’ve been able to display to them in so many ways.
We also had the help this last week of another American missionary named Elissa. She was a tremendous help during Kid’s Club and was great for us to get to know her this last week. She has been on many short-term trips to Poland. Her and her husband live and minister in Iowa. Thanks for everything, Elissa.
Christian Young