June-July 1995
Christian's Third Missions Trip
I had been serving as the youth pastor in The Salvation Army church in Hayward, California for less than a year when I had an opportunity to go on a two month summer Service Corps trip to Kenya and Tanzania, Africa. We would join a team made up of other Salvation Army youth from the Western Territory in Rancho Palos Verdes, California (where we would attend Bible seminary the following year). After a time of preparation in southern California, our team left for Africa. We had almost a one day layover in Amsterdam, Netherlands where we saw some sights and ministered in the Red Light District. From Amsterdam we left for Nairobi, Kenya and from Nairobi we drove in a van to Kisumu, Kenya where would minister for 4 weeks at Joyland Primary School for the Physically Handicapped. [Most of the children there had legs that were shriveled up because of polio. Many of the children had been abandoned by their parents into the streets. The Salvation Army took them in, clothing them, feeding them and giving them an education.]
June 24, 1995, Saturday
I didn't get very much sleep last night because I have come down with a cold...Our team spent time with the children. Steve and I played guitar and sand worship songs, both in Swahili and English, as literally hundreds of handicapped children surrounded us and joined us. Then some of the boys taught me some Swahili words and phrases...Being sick has left me to solely depend on God for strength. I have learned to praise God in all situations. I believe God is speedily bringing me back to health so I may minister to these children. Yesu aponya (Jesus heals). Yese yu mwema (Jesus is good).
June 25, 1995, Sunday
Held Sunday School for the children this morning. Then joined an open-air meeting with the local church in Kisumu. Attended the church service after the open-air meeting. Attended afternoon Bible study for children.
June 26, 1995, Monday
Took a tour of the school. Spent time with children in the Petos class who are mentally [and physically] handicapped...Taught the children the song, "The Lord Is My Shepherd." Had a team meeting. Praise God for these wonderful children in Kisumu. Though they have physically little, they have Christ which is everything.
June 27, 1995, Tuesday
We went to the kids' music festival this morning as the boys competed in a choir competition and the girls competed in a poetry recital. The girls won 1st place and the boys won 5th place.
June 30, 1995, Friday
Steve and I helped repair crutches in the gymnasium/workshop. We met a missionary couple and their son. They are doctors with Africa Inland Missions. We are going fishing tomorrow morning.
July 1, 1995, Saturday
We went fishing with some of the older kids at Lake Victoria and caught a bunch of small telapia. Then, this afternoon, I held a Bible study on John 15. The kids said they enjoyed it and learned very much. I talked about being a disciple. There are three children that I especially feel close to: Nick, Joseph and Washington. There are also many others...I believe these kids are teaching me something about faith.
July 2, 1995, Sunday
The team held Sunday School for the children this morning...Then we went to the open-air meeting. Reuben asked me to pray in front of some 500 members of The Salvation Army church. I was kind of nervous...The message at church was about taking off our garments of unrighteousness and being clothed with the white garments of righteousness that God gives us...after lunch we came back to the school for the kids' afternoon service. It seems as though Joyland is glad that our team is here. At devotions tonight we "washed each other's hands." Then I joined a Bible study that our team leader was holding for some of the older kids. I pray for my brother, Simon, who joined in our small Bible study tonight. I pray that the Lord would draw these children into a closer walk with Him...as goes for myself. Also, that I would hear His voice and be sensitive to His Spirit.
July 3, 1995, Monday
Went to the morning assembly this morning. Had a good time of worship by myself. Read Matthew 6 where it says not to worry about what tomorrow holds. I'm trusting the Lord will guide us. Steve and I repaired crutches for about one hour today. We had a boy named Washington over for dinner tonight. He is a brother of one of the students at Joyland. Hung out with some of the older kids after devotions.
July 4, 1995, Tuesday
Worshipped with Steve and Crystal. Helped with crafts in the Petos class...Then worked on crutches for a while...Had a great devotion with the team as we talked about our anxieties of the future. I pray for all the children here at Joyland; that they would grow to be godly men and women, maybe even church leaders.
July 5, 1995, Wednesday
Went and helped out at the Petos class where we played ball and made designs with objects. I worked with Martin and Jacob....Steve and I worked on crutches a bit...Washington and I spent time looking at songs in the songbook. After dinner we held Bible study and split into 5 small groups. I had close to 20 kids in my group including Washington. We talked about significance in name changing in God's eyes and studied the prodigal son. It was awesome! Everyone of those kids prayed and asked God to change their names from "lost" to "found" and that they would become servants. I also talked with Nick, Joseph and Andrew after Bible study. They shared that they have been learning so much in the Bible studies and that they will be sad to see us leave.
July 6, 1995, Thursday
Taught two art class sessions in class six this morning. I taught the children shading techniques with two colors in tempera paint. Played [local, tribal] drums and recorded some Swahili songs...with Washington and some others. Held Bible study in the hall. Crystal and I attempted to teach the young children John 1.
July 7, 1995, Friday
Went to the Friday evening Bible study at the local church. We studied about the Holy Spirit in the book of Ephesians. Then we held Bible study for the students here at Joyland and studied Luke 5 where Jesus made His disciples "fishers of men." I got to give a few children money for their fund raising: Joseph, Washington, Andrew and George.
July 8, 1995, Saturday
Went into town...ate lunch at Wimpy's...Bought some drums. Came back for dinner and devotions. Had a great Bible study with a few of the children as we studied John 2. The kids were loaded with good questions...Feel that the enemy is trying to distract us from the things God has us here for, especially since I am giving the Bible study before the open-air [meeting] tomorrow...I know that we need to come against the enemy in the name of Jesus so that the furthering of the kingdom of God would not be hindered. Bless all that takes place tomorrow, oh Lord.
July 9, 1995, Sunday
Held the adult Bible study first thing this morning at the church. There was a turnout of close to 20 people. I taught on Romans 12:1-2 (Lord, help me to live it). Then our team held the open-air meeting. There we [led worship] songs with guitars. I gave my testimony and Rhonda gave the message...[Tom, our team leader] gave the message and as he spoke on keeping bitter feelings inside and faking it on the outside, I felt convicted to lay my short comings on the altar. Thank you, God, for humbling me. Please keep me humble....I recorded the kid's choir as they sang songs [they have beautiful voices and awesome rhythms on their local drums]...To finish off the night I joined in Tom's Bible study with a few of the older kids as we talked about anger and sin.
July 10, 1995, Monday
Today our team went to the church in Kisumu to help with the feeding program. We helped serve food, gave a short message and sang a few songs. After lunch, Steve and I helped repair crutches. Had Bible study tonight with the kids as we studied Matthew 18. We were visited by a bat. [A bat flew into the classroom we were meeting in. The children swung their crutches at it as it would fly by. They caught it and held it out by it's wings. They would touch it's stomach and watch it's nasty face grimace.]
July 11, 1995, Tuesday
Went to town today with Tom and Crystal. While we were in town we bought a few Bibles. I bought one for Washington...After lunch and devotions, we drove to Kibos School for the Visually Handicapped and took a tour of the campus. Then we ate dinner at Betty's, a lady from the church and teacher at Joyland. Bible study tonight was awesome!!! We studied John 3 and at the "altar call," 20 children gave their lives to the Lord. PRAISE GOD...I pray that each child that gave their life to Jesus would truly and sincerely understand [that] they are born again. I pray that the discipling process would continue after our departure.
July 12, 1995, Wednesday
Didn't sleep very much last night because of mosquitos and a sudden cold that has come upon me. This morning I had a [fever] of 100.4 degrees. [Fever] went up to 102.2 degrees even after taking Tylenol, so they took me to the hospital. [Funny story. As I was walking to the hospital on the road, Reuben, the school headmaster held my hand as we walked. I felt a little awkward as in the States this might mean something weird. But, when in Rome...Things are different in Kenya.] The blood test revealed that I don't have Malaria, but a viral throat infection which is causing the fever. I will be on anti-biotics for the next 3 days. While I was sick in bed, Washington came to visit me. I gave him the Bible that I bought him.
July 13, 1995, Thursday
Stayed in bed for the first half of the day as I'm recovering from being sick. Around noon I finally broke my fever. Our team had lunch in the dining hall with the children and staff since it is our last full day here at Joyland Primary School for the Physically Handicapped. The girls wrote a poem for our team but some couldn't finish because they were in tears that our team is leaving. A lot of our team was also in tears.
July 14, 1995, Friday
Said our goodbyes at Joyland this morning. It was so sad. So many children were crying because they were sad we were leaving. Had a long drive from Kisumu to Nairobi...Had a great time of prayer with God and felt a renewing of His Holy Spirit. I prayed for each member of our team and that God will use us in Thika. Also for Joyland, that the seeds planted will bear fruit.

Thika, Kenya
July 1995
July 17, 1995, Monday
Paul [the school headmaster] gave us a tour of [Thika Primary School for the Blind]. And we got to mix with some of the kids. Steve and I played guitars as they played their percussion instruments. Tom and I also interacted with kids this evening...Praise God for these lovely children at Thika...I pray that God will continue to fill and empower me with His Holy Spirit and that God will use our team to minister to these children.
July 18, 1995, Tuesday
Well, this is our second day here at Thika Primary School for the Blind. We...were introduced at the morning assembly. After that, the team was split up into different classes except Crystal and I. Crystal went to work in the dispensory and I went to the workshop. In the workshop they mainly work with wood but they don't have too many updated tools. I helped work on a chair, a stool and a giant cupboard for the dining hall. Praise the Lord that those three years of carpentry experience are being used to help others in need. After dinner we went and sang songs with the children and announced Bible study for tomorrow night. I pray that the Bible studies will be as successful as they were in Kisumu.
July 19, 1995, Wednesday
Had a good quiet time with God after the assembly. Worked in the workshop again, all day. Today I continued to work on the giant cupboard as I cut and installed some face beams. Also started to repair a broken table. Left around 4pm with the team for the Blue Post Hotel where we saw some really cool waterfalls. Tonight we held Bible study for the children...We studied Mark 1 and I taught my group of about 25 about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It seems as though they have all asked Jesus into their hearts, but I had a good show of hands when I asked how many needed to ask God to forgive them of the bad things they've done. So we prayed. It was awesome. After the actual Bible study, many kids stayed around and asked questions about certain Scriptures. There was one boy in standard 8 named Peter who knows a lot...I can already see it will be hard to leave some of these kids.
July 20, 1995, Thursday
Worked in the workshop for the first half of the day...Played soccer with the children for a while.. Then did the shotput and discuss with some of the children. After devotions and dinner out team held Bible study once again for the kids. Took the older kids from standard 4-8, a total of about 40 kids. We talked about 1 Thessalonians 5 and how God doesn't want us to fight but to love one another. After the Bible study we had questions about different passages in Scripture. Had a great response once again. Praise the Lord!
July 21, 1995, Friday
Worked in the workshop this morning...After devotions and dinner we went to the Christian Union, a Bible study for the children. There were songs and testimonies. Then I dressed up in the sheep suit and Carly interviewed me. Then Tom gave the message on the Good Shepherd. Close to 20 children raised their hands to receive Jesus Christ in their hearts for the first time. I, personally, got to lead 3 of them to the Lord; their names are Alfonse, Paul and Matthew Sylvester. Praise the Lord. The angels are rejoicing as new names have been written in the Lamb's Book of Life. I pray that God will fill me with His Holy Spirit and that rivers of living water would flow from me. I pray for strength [to work] in the workshop and everywhere. I pray that kids' lives will be touched.
July 22, 1995, Saturday
Helped hand out donations to all of the kids...Gave the devotion on Galations 5 and talked about God's grace...Gave a lesson to the Sunday School teachers on John 15 and taught on being a disciple. Talked with Peter a bit.
July 23, 1995, Sunday
After breakfast we attended the local church in Thika. We brought 5 of the boys from the blind school with us, We went to the open-air meeting first and sang, "I Love You, Lord."...Tom Gave the message on Mark 2 and when he asked how many children feel that they might have lost their love for Jesus and how many would like to pray to renew their relationship with Christ, almost everyone stood up. Praise the Lord for a great Bible study tonight...My group of about 15 studies Psalm 23. We studied how the Lord is our Good Shepherd and that He always walks with us as our Friend. At the end, I anointed each child's head with oil and prayed that the Lord would touch each one of them in a special way.
July 24, 1995, Monday
We gave the "Chania Victory" sign to the headmaster this morning. Had an interesting experience as the Mormons came to hand out donations...At least they didn't try to indoctrinate the children. Tom and I talked to some of the children about the Mormons and we also talked to Paul. Tonight we gave the Bible study to the older kids on Ephesians 2:8-9...I thought it was fitting to teach this after the visitation by the Mormons.
July 25, 1995, Tuesday
The team went to different classes to give examinations. I went to standard 3 where I caught a little cheater passing answers...Then took 6 of the younger kids and played "sock ball" with them...After dinner we held Bible study again. I talked to the boys more about grace from Galations 4 and 5.
July 26, 1995, Wednesday
Held examinations for standard 4. Played soccer with little Sammy and other kids. Took pictures of the kids playing "goal ball." Pet the cows. Ate dinner. Held Bible study for the boys and talked about the Word of God from 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and other passages...I pray that these kids do well in their examinations.
July 27, 1995, Thursday
The team visited a reservoir...Played "goal ball" against the Chania team. Hung out with the kids until dinner. Had our last Bible study tonight. Did a skit and balloon games with the younger kids. We continued our study on the Word of God with the older kids. I went over Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews 4:12 and Psalm 119:9, 11. Established that Peter Apaa will continue the Bible studies after we leave.
July 28, 1995, Friday
Hung out with the children before and after lunch and then said our final goodbyes to the staff and children. Drove to Nairobi to find our plane flight was delayed a few hours...Flow to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Christian Young