Saturday, January 24, 2009
It seems a bit surreal sitting here typing this in Poland. God is so good. Last night we went over to the Krystoń’s house for dinner and fellowship. Pastor Daniel and his family are some of the most lovely people I have ever met. They really feel like family to us. Łukasz, one of Daniel’s sons, played two games of chess. He pretty much whooped me. Jonas showed Daniel around on our HP laptop, as he is purchasing a similar one from the U.S. Our girls, Ania and Marta all hung out and played games. We had a blast.
Our home is very nice. We have two rooms at the church. The children have the bigger room partitioned into a sleeping area and a play area. The accommodations are just great and we already feel right at home. The church members have been so kind in making sure that we have everything we need. They even stocked the fridge for us and had a home-cooked meal waiting for us to warm up when we arrived from the airport. We are working on getting a higher speed internet up at the church. Until then, I can only use wi-fi which I can get if I go to the old town square or the train station, but it has been cold and wet since we arrived, so we haven’t wanted to walk there yet. Until then, we have very limited access. Naomi took us shopping yesterday, so we stoked up on plenty of food. It was so nice of her to take us. I am leaving here in a few minutes to purchase a SIM card that will work in our Blackberry for three months of service and plenty of minutes for only 50 Polish złotys (currently $15 U.S.). That way I can communicate with Daniel, the Hales and others.
Our home is very nice. We have two rooms at the church. The children have the bigger room partitioned into a sleeping area and a play area. The accommodations are just great and we already feel right at home. The church members have been so kind in making sure that we have everything we need. They even stocked the fridge for us and had a home-cooked meal waiting for us to warm up when we arrived from the airport. We are working on getting a higher speed internet up at the church. Until then, I can only use wi-fi which I can get if I go to the old town square or the train station, but it has been cold and wet since we arrived, so we haven’t wanted to walk there yet. Until then, we have very limited access. Naomi took us shopping yesterday, so we stoked up on plenty of food. It was so nice of her to take us. I am leaving here in a few minutes to purchase a SIM card that will work in our Blackberry for three months of service and plenty of minutes for only 50 Polish złotys (currently $15 U.S.). That way I can communicate with Daniel, the Hales and others.
This afternoon, Jonas and I will practice with the worship team. Then we will hang out with their youth group and work on a poster for Kid’s Club. After that, we will go ice skating, though I think Jonas and I will just watch. Not sure yet. Tomorrow is church. After church we will go to the Hale’s home and hang out with their family. Mark and a couple of their children came over yesterday to hang out with our kids for a bit.
This afternoon, Jonas and I will practice with the worship team. Then we will hang out with their youth group and work on a poster for Kid’s Club. After that, we will go ice skating, though I think Jonas and I will just watch. Not sure yet. Tomorrow is church. After church we will go to the Hale’s home and hang out with their family. Mark and a couple of their children came over yesterday to hang out with our kids for a bit.
I am reading through Łukasz (the gospel of Luke) in my personal devotions in a parallel Bible with both English and Polish. After I woke up this morning, I read the account of when Zechariah saw the angel and was told about his future son, John (the Baptist) in chapter 1. As I read the passage, I sensed the Lord showing us that we will have a similar calling as John while here in Poland. Specifically I was drawn to verse 16 where it reads, “Many of the people of Israel will he bring back to the Lord their God,” and to verse 17 where it reads, “And he will go before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah,” and, “to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” I had a beautiful time of prayer after this, asking the Lord to truly use us mightily here in Poland for however long He has us here. I continue to listen to the Spirit of God on specifics as to what this looks like and have begun the process of warfare prayer, but am counting on you guys back home, as well as our Polish brothers and sisters here at the church to join us in asking the Lord to prepare the soil of people’s hearts for what He wants to do among the people of Poland. Because I know that God’s heart is that ALL of the people of Poland fall in love with the One who loved us so much to give up His Son for us.
I am reading through Łukasz (the gospel of Luke) in my personal devotions in a parallel Bible with both English and Polish. After I woke up this morning, I read the account of when Zechariah saw the angel and was told about his future son, John (the Baptist) in chapter 1. As I read the passage, I sensed the Lord showing us that we will have a similar calling as John while here in Poland. Specifically I was drawn to verse 16 where it reads, “Many of the people of Israel will he bring back to the Lord their God,” and to verse 17 where it reads, “And he will go before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah,” and, “to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” I had a beautiful time of prayer after this, asking the Lord to truly use us mightily here in Poland for however long He has us here. I continue to listen to the Spirit of God on specifics as to what this looks like and have begun the process of warfare prayer, but am counting on you guys back home, as well as our Polish brothers and sisters here at the church to join us in asking the Lord to prepare the soil of people’s hearts for what He wants to do among the people of Poland. Because I know that God’s heart is that ALL of the people of Poland fall in love with the One who loved us so much to give up His Son for us.
Christian Young
Christian Young
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